Queen, I am sorry you had a lying cyberstalker harassing you.
I feel sorry for them that they can't handle other views or the call outs. They are a sad person behind that account.
I love Mingwa. She is projecting and those are her other accounts she has pretending to be her victims. She is trying to make us look like haters but that makes no sense since we have protected the fandom from people like her.
She is angry at us for the call-outs. That is why she is cyberstalking us. It is sad. Again I apologize. I wished we can just talk about the story but haters are offended by people of the fandom.

That is the same cyberstalker. They switched accounts. That is not the real Safety Advocate. They pretend to be trolls. They pretend we are sensitive troll victims. They think this is a troll on us. That means everything they say is are lies. She is a cyberstalking pretending to troll. her harassment is to say whatever they can make up to harm her targets.
They will target you. They are targeting anyone from the fandom or thinks differently. I feel sorry for them.
Mingwa has 1.3 million followers and - 10 hates.