next chapter release date

velocity May 5, 2024 1:23 pm

does anyone know what is the next chapter release date? also, i’ve read somewhere that yoneda-sensei is planning to wrap up the story in 2-3 volumes and it was still back then when there were only 7 volumes released. does anybody know if it’s true? the story indeed feels like it’s slowly about to start getting concluded, which seems fair since yoneda-sensei has been working on this series for almost 13 years now (the dedication…), but at the other hand i’ll literally cry if that’s the case, i came back to this manga after 7 years, back when there were no more than 30 chapters released and now when i’m absolutely fucking hooked up on it again you’re telling me that the story is about to get concluded? nahhhh, that can’t be true

    Butterfly_Effect May 9, 2024 9:35 am

    Next chapter will be out at the end of this month, idk about the other thing tho