Damn man you took the words out of my mouth.
To be honest some yaoi mangas don't even get updates. They're just stopped or
dropped or whatever for who knows how long.
But people are complaining like this has never happened before.
Also VF isn't a "mainstream" manga like attack on Titan or Naruto. She probably doesn't get paid as much, and by what I hear her life's been pretty difficult lately.

Honestly, the complaints are purely misdirected. If the complaints are of any value, it should be toward the publishing company. They're the ones releasing her 'mediocre work' and allowing her to take 'breaks'. So bitch on them for hiring 'lazy mangakas'.
Though in my opinion, regardless of that, she's doing fantastic work. I can only be awed by the quality of the final product in the tankobons, redraws and all, which is why she went on a hiatus to begin with. Then there were all the extras, she also worked on the novel etc. I'm not so sure it was that much about getting a break, plus she still worked on Crimson Spell. She just wanted to focus on other stuff than the main story while polishing volume 8.
And let's stop comparing her to other mangakas. On top of having only a few rescue assistants she calls when in critical need, she just takes much longer to draw and with overall the drawings are much more detailed. She's a flawed human who does fantastic work, which lets her survive in this sea of mangakas who live like machines with up to 8 assistants and only a few hours a week of free time when it's not zero. Which is not a lifestyle someone sane should wish another human to have.

What a bunch of self entitled assholes :/ a korean manhwa I read a few years back got abruptly discontinued and I thought the author simply dropped it...turns out it was because she actually passed away. She was ill for some time already :( So just because there isnt any official public announcement doesn't mean they aren't going through some things in life. Lots of people prefer to keep their personal life private too so there are probably plenty of things we might not actually know.

Can't remember the title since it's been years. It's about starting a boyband and if I remember correctly it's not BL (but there's some bromance?)
Just give up if you're so impatient and hate the extras so much. You guys aren't even paying for anything but act as if sensei owes you guys, even have the nerve to tell her to stop being "lazy"? Who are you to make such demands? She's a human after all and we don't know what's going on in her life, she's allowed to take breaks if she wants to. I've seen other artists take 5+years breaks before because of personal issues. "The other mangas I read have faster updates!!! She not working hard enough!!!" Different mangakas, different people, living different lives. Honestly, what do you guys even know about her personal life?? But I get it, you won't care. Even if she was sick you would still want her to update anyway because all you guys only care about free yaoi.