Ya'll tweaking 'cause

lostikins May 5, 2024 12:30 am

MC is literally participating or at least being complacent in the trafficking of women HE PUTS INTO DEBT by being a host, but ya'll are tweaking over the fact that the yakuza members who are looking for the daughter of their boss who was one of his frequent customers are beating him and whatnot to get him to talk lol

Ya'll can excuse sex trafficking dozens of women but you draw the line at a shitty person getting what they deserve.

    SaladSlug May 7, 2024 8:39 pm

    No one said that he is actually part of some kind of trafficking ring. It was just a speculation/assumption on the "yakuza's" side.
    It's probably going to be something like her going to the club a lot to get away and plan her escape. He probably helped her and she's with a lover or something like that

    lostikins May 8, 2024 2:38 am
    No one said that he is actually part of some kind of trafficking ring. It was just a speculation/assumption on the "yakuza's" side. It's probably going to be something like her going to the club a lot to get aw... SaladSlug

    Now who is making assumptions lol

    It's a common trope/tidbit about the host industry where they get women so addicted to their shops that they get sold off to "soap lands" or brothels to pay off their debts.

    In this scenario it very well could be something like "oh, the daughter of the head of the yakuza just wanted to run away and he's trying to shield for her", but the yakuza, who have their thumb on the pulse of kabukicho and whatnot would definitely know if trafficking was going on on their turf lol

    Also, if it was something like she ran away why couldn't he had just said "she ran off and I don't know where to" instead of just pretending he doesn't know her when they have proof that she was constantly at his club?? Saying he doesn't know where she went would have been a way more believable lie than "I don't know her" when they provided proof of her being there enough times that it had become a problem.

    Ya'll just mad that the big bad yakuza is doing what he has to do to find his boss's daughter and the poor uke is the one being tortured lol

    SaladSlug May 9, 2024 9:18 pm

    I'm not saying the MC is innocent I'm just saying that at no point is there a clear statement of trafficking actually being the case, nor was there any mention of debt.

    Telling the Yakuza "yeah I know her but no clue where she went" is the same as "I don't know her" he'll get tortured and pressed for more info either way. It's not like they'll answer with "Oh good let us know if you hear anything good sir, now be on your way"

    I don't remember trafficking of women to be a common trope in BL?? I've seen it at most like twice? They like to threat with "if you don't pay this off your wife and daughter will have to for the next 20 years" but that never actually happens

    Jayron May 10, 2024 6:16 pm
    I'm not saying the MC is innocent I'm just saying that at no point is there a clear statement of trafficking actually being the case, nor was there any mention of debt. Telling the Yakuza "yeah I know her but n... SaladSlug

    I don't even think that's a common trope, i haven't even seen that kind of trope with my 1000+ already read manga, manhwa, manhua like that's is literally a rare trope, mostly if there is women trafficking trope it never actually happen, those kind of trope only happen in those like sm*t manga

    lostikins May 14, 2024 1:01 am
    I'm not saying the MC is innocent I'm just saying that at no point is there a clear statement of trafficking actually being the case, nor was there any mention of debt. Telling the Yakuza "yeah I know her but n... SaladSlug

    I'm talking about with yakuza, not BL/yaoi series. But also, I literally just recently reread a series that had a host one-shot where the dude brags about driving women so deep in debt that they sell themselves at soaplands and the only way he can get hard fucking them is "if he imagines their pussy making money" for him at said soaplands.

    People constantly have debates in the comments here and in other places about how shitty hosts are for taking advantage of people ((there's a ongoing series about a host and a male prostitute where I've seen people shit on the host 'cause of his job and what his job makes him do)) and how predatory the business is lol

    Yakuza being pieces of shit is nothing new. If anything, BL/yaoi yakuza are tame compared to actual yakuza today.

    Also, him straight up pretending like he doesn't know her when they have photo evidence is still much worse than him admitting to seeing her at the shop but not knowing she disappeared. He's basically proving that he's flat-out lying to their faces despite their being evidence that she frequented his club. You have to add a grain of truth to your lies for people to believe you more.

    lostikins May 14, 2024 1:05 am
    I don't even think that's a common trope, i haven't even seen that kind of trope with my 1000+ already read manga, manhwa, manhua like that's is literally a rare trope, mostly if there is women trafficking trop... Jayron

    I've read well over 4,000 yaoi/bl series and have been reading them for 20+ years. Idfk what manga you are reading but it happens often where it's mentioned that hosts are notorious for driving their customers into debt to keep their pockets lined with green lol they may not mention every single time that most of their customers have to turn to selling themselves, but it's happened often enough that people either assume soaplands or loan sharks to keep paying for their addiction to hosts.

    I can't remember the name rn since I just picked up 10 new titles just within this last week, but there's literally a newer, ongoing series about a male host and a male prostitute that has the comment section in flames 'cause everyone thinks the seme is a piece of shit for being a host lol


    Luvarts May 14, 2024 1:42 pm

    But is it confirmed that our MC is the one who doing it? Wasn't it just assumption on the Yakuzas part? That might be true host do that, but she is a daughter of a fcking mafia boss, she's loaded. She's rich. If it's true that she was being sold, why are you cornering the MC? It's not even revealed yet and the yakuza just blame our MC cuz she often saw in the club our MC working. Why are you going hellbent like it was your relatives that get kidnapped? Lmao It was just a fiction and you can see from the beginning, the comedy side is more heavy than psychological side bcs how you can see them making the part when they interrogation our MC full of comedic scene and expression. So for this to be have such a dark turn is kinda small. So the reason must be not quite serious or if it's serious, our MC might not be part of it. If you read so many then you should can tell the difference when the manga or manhwa would turn around the dark part.