im rly trying to decipher where she’s done this before because i’ve been a litc fan for a looong time now and have yet to think of a moment where paskim has tried to play off heavy moments by covering them as “comedic”. Litc is a pretty heavy manhwa and the relationship between the two main can’t be simply categorized as either abusive or not abusive. i wouldn’t go as far as to call it abuse, they’re mentally ill teenage boys full of blooming hormones and no control over their feelings, not to mention they’ve been through tough shit. that’s meant to be recognized by us as readers and it isn’t paskim’s intent to play it off as something silly because it’s not. skylar is an extremely violent person when angered and that’s an issue yet to be resolved which stems from his trauma, while cirrus on the other hand has a really provoking and manipulative nature which is bound to set off the gears in skylar’s head. that’s what litc is about - the two of them growing out of their old unhealthy coping habits and finding solace in each other and themselves, which is going to prove to be very difficult because you can’t just unwrite something heavy and troubling that’s happened to you. but if u can like provide me an example id be glad to recheck it out and maybe give my own thoughts

You not being able to tell when Paskim is trying to play something off as comedic or not, is exactly my point. And I’m not talking about “heavy moments”. I specifically said “abusive moments between Cirrus and Skylar”.
And no, abuse is abuse. Putting your hands on your partner, or whoever else, is abuse. You can make all the excuses for it and say that “they have trauma” and that “they’re still growing”, but that’s not gonna change the fact that it’s still abuse, nor is it going to make it okay.
And no, I’m not gonna waste my time going through the entire manhwa to list every moment that they physically hurt each other. Especially when we literally have an example at the end of the recent chapter, which is why I’m talking about it in the first place.
You’re free to reread and find those other examples yourself tho.

i’ve been a litc fan for a loooong time and again as im saying ,,, paskim has Not played any display of physical fights between them as comedic im genuinely trying to understand where you’re coming from bcs it just doesn’t make sense the whole point is that they’re stupid and rash, like have u read the whole manhwa with ur eyes closed

also the only moment i can recall at the top of my head is from the recent chapters where skylar pushes cirrus which??? IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY? because it leads to the slow build up of frustration and explosion from cirrus’ part you have to read between the lines sometimes the “funny moments” as you call them are a subtle display of insecurities and traumas that skylar hasn’t moved past yet and its not paskim’s fault that you can’t read between that
I can see that the creator is trying to play off these abusive moments between Cirrus and Skyler as comedic moments that are not meant to be taken seriously, but with their art style, it never comes off that way. It always comes off as serious.
And that goes for a lot of comedic moments in this manhwa. I don’t know if the creator just doesn’t know how to do this or is unaware that they should, but if you’re gonna make a comedic moment in an, otherwise, serious manhwa, then you need to change your art style to be more comedic in order to match that moment, for example using the chibi versions of their characters. That way it will land with your audience that “this ain’t serious”.
They’ve used chibi characters for comedic moments before, so I don’t know why they’re not doing it more consistently. Cuz atp, I can’t tell what is meant to be comedic moment and what isn’t. So the jokes just aren’t landing for me. I’m not gonna sit here and laugh at Cirrus and Skylar physically abusing each other. It’s just not funny.