
AERISLIVES! May 4, 2024 6:15 pm

Went here expecting cuteness overload because of the comments and I did get it but wasn't expecting the like... prostitution backstory. It's just a personal preference but prostitution really makes me feel uneasy at stories like this, prostitution/pedo and fluffiness just do not go at the same plate for me. Was amazing at the start but then sevens back story came and.. It turned me off xd. No hate to the plot it was good just hate these type of back stories it makes me sad

    Jassiefresh May 28, 2024 4:44 am

    Girl, I get it, but I kind of knew his backstory was going to be bad because he was in a park homeless sleeping in a pipe. It was obvious that would ever happen to him was bad enough for him to want to be homeless.