Goofy ahh plot

Purky May 4, 2024 4:02 pm

I cant believe you cotton-candy, i fought for you1!! I fought for that man...
The comments i made headcanon-ing your character and you turn out just another replica.
WHY COULDNT YOU JUST BE A SIMP?! Is it too much to ask for characters to like each other??? And why the hell does potato have no braincells??? He literally has the intellect of a potato. Jesus.
And, are we really suprised that this "love" started out with a romantic sa session? As vulgar as that sounds; but god, the author REALLY needs to get a new plot point, its getting fucking annoying and honestly; lazy as fuck.
WE GET IT. You like seeing men get raped, its part of your "quirky" writing, afterall the author just has a little quirk for liking "tOxiC mEn" with really BLAND, let me repeat; B L A N D characters.
Bro could've gone the author route and made the side couple atlest readable, but yet again she made a duplicant of the main couple but in a diffrent font. Yay. I am so proud.

Anyways; kirby broke me with this one; and i cant emphasis enough how THIS was not a bangar, but alas i will move on from this, i will grow. I shall forget pinkie pie...
But i am telling my therapist about this. There will be crying involved, you pained me rose from steven universe, you really did.

    joeover May 4, 2024 4:04 pm


    Mikaelà May 6, 2024 4:29 pm

    I really put all my hope into him just to get slapped in the face. But don't worry, a redemption arc will make everything go away and all will be forgiven! What an amazing original plot.

    Purky May 6, 2024 5:09 pm
    I really put all my hope into him just to get slapped in the face. But don't worry, a redemption arc will make everything go away and all will be forgiven! What an amazing original plot. Mikaelà

    I srsly cant see a redemption to these god awful characters other then all of them getting regina george-d by a fast yellow bus

    Mikaelà May 6, 2024 8:06 pm
    I srsly cant see a redemption to these god awful characters other then all of them getting regina george-d by a fast yellow bus Purky

    We all know they only will regret what they did and then chase the victim in the whole redemption arc. Worst part, the other person will forgive them AND be together with their abuser. Just how many plots like this do we need? It's not even good written, even as a toxic dark romance. This just gives the message ''inspired by wattpad and Tumblr''.

    Purky May 7, 2024 4:20 pm
    We all know they only will regret what they did and then chase the victim in the whole redemption arc. Worst part, the other person will forgive them AND be together with their abuser. Just how many plots like... Mikaelà

    Istg its the dark days of "tumbler boyfriends" all over again
    I thought we left that era buried in a landfill where it belongs