yall their relationship is toxic…esp the way it started… ofc theyre talking it out and...

satan's spinach lover May 4, 2024 11:30 am

yall their relationship is toxic…esp the way it started… ofc theyre talking it out and letting their feelings show but this circle of guilt and distrust is toxic relationships r like this but theyre still TOXIC that doesnt mean it wont work out… anyway im tired of these two theyre always fighting…i wanna see woojin and his boo atp

    Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0) May 5, 2024 11:01 pm

    Bye clearly you don't know what toxic means bruh. We're all human and make mistakes if that's "toxic" then this entire generation is fucked in the love department. Cheonwoo has made his mistakes and has repeatedly asked for forgiveness, it's only up to Ho in to forgive him our opinions don't matter. Cheonwoo feels guilty since he believes he doesn't deserve forgiveness that has nothing to do with Ho in since he's already forgiven him so your first point doesn't make sense. Also there isn't any distrust in their relationship, they both trust each other fine they just don't trust themselves since they don't want to ruin what they have. I honestly can't stand when people call others "toxic" when they have normal human emotions and don't go around with a smile on their face seeing the world as cupcakes and rainbows. Their relationship is realistic not fake where they have healthy communication and don't mindlessly forgive one another. (Sorry for the long paragraph but I'm not the best at summerizing)

    satan's spinach lover May 6, 2024 1:47 am
    Bye clearly you don't know what toxic means bruh. We're all human and make mistakes if that's "toxic" then this entire generation is fucked in the love department. Cheonwoo has made his mistakes and has repeat... Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0)

    Have u ever been in a healthy relationship?? Cheonwoo shows signs of sever self sabotaging which is a literal form of self harm… that effects yourself and yr partner..bc clearly ho-in is suffering too.. as i said they experience a frequent occurrence of the misconception cycle and self conscious cycle…Raping someone isnt a mistake..it was a TERRIBLE thing for cheonwoo to do in reaction to his severe self sabotaging and learned helplessness…. pls dont try me i minor in psychology this relationship is toxic..im sorry truth hurts…self sabotaging and lhln aren’t “normal” human emotions theyre reactions caused by trauma or something else that’s psychologically scarring… yall love to pull the “not all relationships arent cupcakes and rainbows” when its a relationship dynamic on the END of the spectrum showing abuse and psychological issues..thats toxic love

    Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0) May 6, 2024 8:48 pm

    You may minor in psychology but that doesn't sound like a degree to me so... I never said self sabotaging was a normal human emotion what I meant was anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy, sadness, regret, fear, etc are normal human emotions. I also never said I supported Cheonwoo raping Taesoo I find that morally wrong no matter how Cheonwoo felt. You however said Cheonwoo and Ho-in's relationship was toxic and I was adding my own opinion to that. I also wouldn't say that Cheonwoo is intentionally sabotaging himself but due to his fear and trauma as well as his self guilt he can't help but overthink which is normal in most relationships, that isn't toxic. Just because someone is traumatized doesn't mean they automatically become a toxic person but instead need help to recover. Ho-in gave Cheonwoo full consent to use him whenever and however he wanted and we can't blame Cheonwoo for using that to his advantage. Like I said in my first response their relationship is realistic and we see the growth they slowly go through due to their healthy communication. It's clear that their relationship will get better over time as long as they both slowly open up to each other and communicate effectively.

    satan's spinach lover May 6, 2024 9:37 pm
    You may minor in psychology but that doesn't sound like a degree to me so... I never said self sabotaging was a normal human emotion what I meant was anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy, sadness, regret, fear, etc a... Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0)

    Chile.. I literally said as of right now the relationship is toxic due to the things I already mentioned in my first comment. And I even added that they could still have a good relationship, but as of RIGHT NOW it’s toxic. Taking the initiative to enter relationship while being aware of your severe self sabotaging issues makes you a bad person because no matter what you’re going to project those feelings and that hurt onto your partner. Self sabotaging isn’t a standalone disorder. It can be relieved with therapy or self reflection. A lot of people think that just because a character has a disorder or has an issue they’re excused from all the bad things that they did, which is absolutely absurd. Cheonwoo can get better but he is still struggling same w Ho-in and his unhealthy possessiveness. and it’s ironic you bring up their growth and their journey to becoming healthy, which insinuates that they did not start well or that they are toxic

    Taky May 7, 2024 2:54 pm
    Bye clearly you don't know what toxic means bruh. We're all human and make mistakes if that's "toxic" then this entire generation is fucked in the love department. Cheonwoo has made his mistakes and has repeat... Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0)

    Mistakes are when someone does something unintentionally. He made active choices that hurt everyone around him (and himself). This is toxic behavior. That doesn't mean that he can't learn from it and that it continues to be toxic, but don't pretend that he wasn't doing things that intentionally hurt someone else who did nothing wrong.

    Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0) May 9, 2024 1:52 am

    I'm not pretending at all. I never said Cheonwoo was innocent and he definitely made some bad choices but like I said Ho-in gave him full permission so it's not toxic but just unethical. Cheonwoo did make mistakes though too, he was selfish I admit but I'm sure he didn't plan to give up on Taesoo for Ho-in so that wasn't intentional. Either way their relationship is realistic with healthy communication at this point in the story. Cheonwoo has messed up and is paying his do's. We can just agree to disagree if you still feel otherwise. You made some good points though but at the end of the day this is just our personal opinions. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0) May 9, 2024 2:01 am

    Read your other comment and I think there was some miss communication... I also believe no one is excused from toxic behaviors whether they have a disorder, trauma, etc I simply believe that Cheonwoo should get some points for taking accountability for his at least. I know that you feel Ho-in's obsession is toxic (but I would call that more problematic rather than toxic) and Cheonwoo's self sabotage but I only mean that their communication is healthy in their current relationship. Nothing gets solved without communication which is why I personally view their relationship as currently healthy. I'm not saying their relationship is perfect and they both have growing to do individually and together but one step at a time right? And I did mean to imply their relationship was toxic at the beginning who wouldn't think that? But you can clearly see how their relationship has grown over the last few chapters you can't deny that.

    Taky May 9, 2024 2:20 am
    Read your other comment and I think there was some miss communication... I also believe no one is excused from toxic behaviors whether they have a disorder, trauma, etc I simply believe that Cheonwoo should get... Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0)

    What other comment are you even referring to? I only commented once.

    satan's spinach lover May 9, 2024 2:37 am
    I'm not pretending at all. I never said Cheonwoo was innocent and he definitely made some bad choices but like I said Ho-in gave him full permission so it's not toxic but just unethical. Cheonwoo did make mista... Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0)

    praying for ur future partners

    Dumb_Couch_Potato(:0) May 9, 2024 12:22 pm

    I was referring to Satan's spinach lover. Anyway no need to pray for anybody, let's simply stop with our own opinions and no drama.