Having sex with someone when they are drunk can be rape as they can't consent. If they are too drunk, their ability to give valid consent may be compromised. You said you allowed him did you consent and how drunk were you? This is a complex situauation and while the action could be rape. You are the one to say it was rape or not. The key point to this is whether you the intoxicated person was capable of understanding the situation and freely agreeing. In some cases, engaging in sexual activity with an intoxicated person who cannot give informed consent may be considered rape or sexual assault.
Only you know if you understand what you are doing or if you communicate your wishes to him, and determine if any sexual activity with them may be non-consensual. It gets complex as this goes on what happened, if you consent, and how you feel.
wait. this was rape? i experienced this in my 19, i was also a virgin and my boyfriend jumped on me while im on the influence of alcohol (hes not, he didnt drink) and got carried away. I never considered it rape bec first, hes my boyfriend and second i dont wanna call like i got raped or something