I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:00 pm
Is a cyberstalker impersonating the real user. Ignore them.
(I am impersonating the real MD but I am defending her.).

Ignore I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 5:40 pm
He is a cyberstalker impersonating the real MD. ( I am not the real MD). Look at the creation dates.
10/7/2023 = the real MD
2/10/2024 and 2/21/2024 are the cyberstalkers impersonating her.
My account is 2/17/2024. I am impersonating her but I am defending her.
The cyberstalkers claimed they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims but they are not telling the truth.
Ignore them as they will gaslight you and use rage bait for you to hate the real users. 99.9 % is all a lie. It is part of their “troll” aka harassment on a few people.

Why do you read the comment you are responding too. Why are they high for warning you? Why is the target high for warning you about a cyberstalker?
Maybe you need to see it another way.
comment 1:
I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:00 pm
A cyberstalker impersonation the real MD.
Comment 2:
I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 4:18 pm
A warning that the other I love Morning Diamonds aka me was a cyberstalker.
Comment 3:
I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 5:40 pm
The cyberstalker.
Comment 4: Who gives you the details you need to know what is going on and you ignored to ask a stupid question to the target warning you about this situation.
I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 6:18 pm
Ignore I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 13, 2024 5:40 pm
He is a cyberstalker impersonating the real MD. ( I am not the real MD). Look at the creation dates.
10/7/2023 = the real MD
2/10/2024 and 2/21/2024 are the cyberstalkers impersonating her.
My account is 2/17/2024. I am impersonating her but I am defending her.
The cyberstalkers claimed they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims but they are not telling the truth.
Ignore them as they will gaslight you and use rage bait for you to hate the real users. 99.9 % is all a lie. It is part of their “troll” aka harassment on a few people.
So if you looked at the creation dates.
1. https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/ 2/21/2024
2. https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3699209/home/ 2/17/2024
3. See 1
4. See 2
Two different accounts. Two different people.

Ocean is an alt to the cyberstalkers don't take them seriously. Ignore the comments that will follow that will have false accusations, abusive and defamatory posts that is impersonating others as the cyberstalk and impersonate their targets. If it is attacking you or making defamatory remarks then it is not me or their other targets but one of the cyberstalkers that is after us.
They are the ones that feels like losers and threaten by MD. They are projecting.

https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16075389/ I can tell you what is going on with MD and the cyberstalkers but I can't explain the situation with Canj's. That is either some one thinking this a joke or a catfish account or something IDK.
MD is main target of harassment by cyberstalkers. You have two impersonating MD in this thread. One is a cyberstalker and one is defending the real MD. The real MD has not respond for couple of weeks.

Baileybot is one of the cyberstalkers who is creating a dangerous situation towards her targets. We, the targets, are certainly not those type of people Baileybot is describing.
We believe that open and honest communication is key to resolving misunderstandings. However, the current discourse has devolved into name-calling and unfounded accusations, which is not conducive to a constructive resolution. We advocate for a respectful dialogue that seeks to understand rather than to accuse.
At this point doc Dan and potato should just pair up. ToT