and the trashy rapist top award goes to every mingwa's seme characters congrats ig

andy May 3, 2024 11:48 pm

and the trashy rapist top award goes to every mingwa's seme characters congrats ig

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:11 am
    for months ?? bro i didn’t even know there was a whole beef about jinx i just met you like 4 hours ago ????? u say things like i always comment on every jinx chapter and i’m always reading to threaten someo... seabi

    You found me out and my gaslighting scheme. I will not allow you to hear Morning diamonds out on why Jaekyung is not a rapist. I want everyone to see the flipside.

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:13 am
    il est tellement nul en discrétion en plus …. chef on ta cramé depuis des lustres arrête ça.. va t’occuper de tes enfants à ton grand âge la seabi

    CPS should be called on him for not tending to his kids instead of (provable facts>) wasting all his time on mangago. If he committed child neglect and he's a diehard child and rape lover, what the fuck else has he done????

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:18 am
    CPS should be called on him for not tending to his kids instead of (provable facts>) wasting all his time on mangago. If he committed child neglect and he's a diehard child and rape lover, what the fuck else... Safety Advocate

    he’s scaring the shit outta me srs lol ion even wanna know what hes been up to on diff site, disgusting

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:20 am
    he’s scaring the shit outta me srs lol ion even wanna know what hes been up to on diff site, disgusting seabi

    What I been sayinnnn like what if he's been on deeper shit than silly mangago feuds ab rape and pedo elsewhere?? Irl??? This manchild CANNOT communicate with anyone without the need to start an argument and insults too. how does one live with a mentality like him?

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:23 am
    What I been sayinnnn like what if he's been on deeper shit than silly mangago feuds ab rape and pedo elsewhere?? Irl??? This manchild CANNOT communicate with anyone without the need to start an argument and ins... Safety Advocate

    frfr it’s crazy dude, i wish someone could put him in a mental hospital cuz he gotta get the f outta here srs how many person did he groom

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:25 am
    why won’t they talk to me ? as u said, i’ve never talked to them. u said they don’t know me ???? i never did em dirty so i don’t understand. i told you i understand now that i was a bitch and now i wann... seabi

    I said Tora and TM talked to you. MD doesn't recall talking to you. MD is a friend on Tora. He join to help get their accounts back. You see Tora and friends felt like they only had jinx accounts because they were constantly attacked on a lie. They never understand what happened until October. That is when they started to say no and stop.
    They are here to talk about jinx but someone things their harassment is trolling them. if they were a troll they would had moved on by now. Trolls don't do this.
    But back to my point MD tried to avoid a few and you were one of them. If he did talk to you in last 8 months he does not remember. When you talked to TM it was during the time when he was confused and getting attack by many people. He tried different tactics to get them off of him to talk about the story and kind of lost himself. This could be the time when he learn there was not real conversations just people mocking and attacking him. He was ganged up on. As they are trying with MD now.
    He loves Dan and he can't even talk about it with out being attacked. The cyberstalkers viewed him wrong then and view this wrong now. If you are using the same tactics and arguments for months it is not being trolled. It is a harmful situation. Trolls typically engage in short-term behavior and may not target specific individuals for extended periods.
    Cyberstalking, on the other hand, entails persistent surveillance, monitoring, or harassment of individuals online. It goes beyond trolling and can cause significant distress to the victim1.
    Cyberstalkers may use various tactics, including impersonation, spreading false information, and attempting to isolate the victim. Unlike trolls, who may seek attention or provoke reactions, cyberstalkers focus on causing harm and distress to their targets.
    You have used many of their methods here and your other topic.
    On one hand I want to talk to you and get on common ground maybe you can stop attacking people who sees SA but not rape while you can keep your opinion about rape. Then I know if I tried I question if it would turn out to be harmful situation like it was before and has been. When they call out something that does not mean they are offended by it. They are setting a boundary. They leave when you tell them you will not have a conversation with them. TM at the beginning give too many chances. The haters misunderstood them. They still do.

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:29 am
    frfr it’s crazy dude, i wish someone could put him in a mental hospital cuz he gotta get the f outta here srs how many person did he groom seabi

    I think he tried grooming a shit ton of users (he dms EVERYONE who comments on the jinx comsec warning about me the troll he's haunted by, he's even dmed my main account without knowing he probably dmed over hundreds by now. 100 pages fill up after each chapter release so his chat box is full of people who threw him in the spam bin bahahha) and that one girl exposed him like the hero she is. we should be glad he talks like a senile predator meets broken ai bc no one would actually fall for that

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:32 am

    ''md doesn't recall talking to you'' Do you realise how absurd that sounds if you were someone else? that means you, MD, is lurking behind a bedsheet all shy passing onto you whatever he wants to say undirectly to us. MD is a pussy, but not like that He's a big ass wuss in the sense he feels a sense of protection saying his alt is someone else who had knowledge of what all 10+ alts know, don't know, feel, said and went through with every users BAHHQHQH STALKER ALERT

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:32 am

    umm okay… but like how do u know that MD never talked to me ? cuz ion think u found time to acc call him ealier to ask him so how do u know ? then please let’s get back on the real subject which was jinx. if you think it’s SA i don’t understand. rape is a form of SA but w penetration. here :

    jk menaced him and raped him, right?
    so how can you still say your pov is sa?
    i’m talking to you like a decent human and i’ll not attack u or insult you i just wanna have a conversation w you. if you refuse it clearly means you have 0 proof that jk isn’t a rapist

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:34 am
    I think he tried grooming a shit ton of users (he dms EVERYONE who comments on the jinx comsec warning about me the troll he's haunted by, he's even dmed my main account without knowing he probably dmed over h... Safety Advocate

    ewwww always les hommes istg how can we feel secure w em when they be acting like MD like Tf

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:35 am

    By your definition I am a troll and you are a cyberstalker, gotchu :D

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:35 am
    ''md doesn't recall talking to you'' Do you realise how absurd that sounds if you were someone else? that means you, MD, is lurking behind a bedsheet all shy passing onto you whatever he wants to say undirectly... Safety Advocate

    reallyyyy like how do u know he doesn’t recall talking to me, are u in his brain or sum? and it’s acc crazy to have 10+ acc btw

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:36 am

    Imagine talking allat and still not proving Jaekyung isn't rapist, boohoo nigga

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:36 am
    Imagine talking allat and still not proving Jaekyung isn't rapist, boohoo nigga Safety Advocate

    sah jvais m’endormir il mets tellement de temps à écrire ses longs pavés à la chat gpt mon dieu

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:38 am
    ewwww always les hommes istg how can we feel secure w em when they be acting like MD like Tf seabi

    I receivrdy DMs on my goofy troll accounts ab md and safety advocate private messaging them, some image he has

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:40 am
    sah jvais m’endormir il mets tellement de temps à écrire ses longs pavés à la chat gpt mon dieu seabi

    deadddddd It's 10AM where Morning diamonds is in thailand, he's been awake all day for us bahahahah

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:42 am
    umm okay… but like how do u know that MD never talked to me ? cuz ion think u found time to acc call him ealier to ask him so how do u know ? then please let’s get back on the real subject which was jinx. i... seabi

    I bet you my Dango chibi jinx keychain he won't be able to even waffle an explanation

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:42 am
    deadddddd It's 10AM where Morning diamonds is in thailand, he's been awake all day for us bahahahah Safety Advocate

    he loves us so much that’s y

    seabi May 4, 2024 3:43 am
    I bet you my Dango chibi jinx keychain he won't be able to even waffle an explanation Safety Advocate

    LOLL, i really hope he will bc if he tries to ignore it and say some new shit again istg i’m gonna lose it, it’s his last chance i’m waiting for his big ass para he’s taking so much time oml

    Safety Advocate May 4, 2024 3:44 am
    he loves us so much that’s y seabi

    He can't sleep anyway with all this frustration and tension in his head for fighting his life to defend his twisted FALSE opinions