
DONTFUCKINGSLEEP May 3, 2024 5:55 pm

So the list of red flags goes on ://

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:25 pm


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:26 pm


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:26 pm

    BaileyBot is a lying sock puppet and explaining what happened and definitions don’t support the pathetic claims of a cyberstalker. There has never been a rant from their targets. That is how desperate she is. It is pathetic how she distorts reality for her advantage.

    sho May 3, 2024 7:26 pm
    This “ Please get off the internet, get a life. Touch grass if you will. Your yapping hasn't brought any good to each one of us. You're all 3 accounts tyvm. Go seek help from an actual therapist if you can't ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me


    Axels May 3, 2024 7:28 pm
    you missed my point ofc Jaekyung is a rapist. im imitating morning diamonds with the exact things he says. only a rape defender like him wouldn't see forceful and coerced to blatant rape. and yeah the grooming ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    You weren't impersonating anybody when you said that though. can't you just stop with this "I was hacked" rage baiting. It's not like anyone can actually do anything even if you were serious about what you or they said

    sho May 3, 2024 7:30 pm
    This “ Please get off the internet, get a life. Touch grass if you will. Your yapping hasn't brought any good to each one of us. You're all 3 accounts tyvm. Go seek help from an actual therapist if you can't ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    k dawg we get it, you're delusional, now kys pls ty!1!!

    sho May 3, 2024 7:31 pm

    didn't mean to reply to the same message

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:32 pm

    You know you're struggling MD when you need to log into your main Morning diamonds account from your fake MD account pretending to be someone else to look like you have supporters, and worse when you need to distinguish different kinds of pedos. You're literally admitting to being a pedo

    sho May 3, 2024 7:33 pm
    You weren't impersonating anybody when you said that though. can't you just stop with this "I was hacked" rage baiting. It's not like anyone can actually do anything even if you were serious about what you or t... Axels

    bro's frying my brain cells off and i regret joining ur argument with them now thought i'd get to have some juicy mgg tea but i guess today's not our day huh

    Axels May 3, 2024 7:34 pm

    this lowkey reminds me of the time i tried to give myself a dissassociative identity disorder

    sho May 3, 2024 7:35 pm
    this lowkey reminds me of the time i tried to give myself a dissassociative identity disorder Axels

    babes WHAT

    Axels May 3, 2024 7:36 pm
    bro's frying my brain cells off and i regret joining ur argument with them now thought i'd get to have some juicy mgg tea but i guess today's not our day huh sho

    i thought i'd actually get to argue with someone but all i got was lore

    sho May 3, 2024 7:36 pm

    why would you want to pretend to have a disorder that protects you from your trauma

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:37 pm
    k dawg we get it, you're delusional, now kys pls ty!1!! sho

    That is you. You are projecting. You have no morals

    sho May 3, 2024 7:37 pm
    i thought i'd actually get to argue with someone but all i got was lore Axels

    HELP is the lore in the room with us rn. All we got was yapping

    Axels May 3, 2024 7:38 pm
    why would you want to pretend to have a disorder that protects you from your trauma sho

    i watched a show as a kid where a character had it. The show was probably trying to be inclusive or tackle topics or something but i thought it was super cool and tried to emulate it. it was just a phase though

    sho May 3, 2024 7:39 pm
    That is you. You are projecting. You have no morals I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    damn cuh didn't know i was delulu til you pointed it out for me kthx!! here a moldy cookie for the effort

    Axels May 3, 2024 7:39 pm
    HELP is the lore in the room with us rn. All we got was yapping sho

    idk honestly, all they want is attention and we deffo gave it to them but we're the victims here

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:40 pm
    bro's frying my brain cells off and i regret joining ur argument with them now thought i'd get to have some juicy mgg tea but i guess today's not our day huh sho

    There is no argument. I told you to ignore the cyberstalker and you ignored me. Explaining and having a conversation with you is not an argument. You attacked me. I have not attacked you. It is that hard to disgusting between two users?
    If so, you out the cyberstalker who says 10 people are one person. They are writing different from me.
    There is no argument.