I think Kousuke should seek out a therapist and put distance with the mother. He seems to ...

aerslevdi May 3, 2024 3:48 am

I think Kousuke should seek out a therapist and put distance with the mother. He seems to be a victim of emotional incest and while the grandma did try to put some distance no one really told him that it was wrong what the mother was doing and that he shouldn't endulge her. I didn't like Kanade's coworkers. It was frustrating because the editor could have been a good representation of a fujoshi being able to distinguish between reality and fiction as pointed out to the two taking pictures "for references". But she wanted him to come out to a delusional girl that can't manage her feelings and is constructing a person out of her imagination just so she can give up on him??? Kanade saying "No" should have been enough. What would have happened if the man she confessed to wasn't taken or gay? Would the man have to had taken responsibility because of her being naive and her friend not being able to tell her she was out of place???

    Daemon May 17, 2024 10:51 am

    He did try to put distance but his mom came anyway. What he needs is a new place and a restraining order but sadly he still loves her so he probably won't get one