Being toxic does not equal rape fellas

TomieEater May 3, 2024 3:11 am

being toxic doesn't need to include rape because being toxic is an emotional thing not a physical one and it really shoes who glorifies/romanticizes rape just cuz the characters are.. Trust me if that drawing was of an ugly man none of y'all would be like "omg he's so toxic :333" the author doesn't need to make the ML's rapists and y'all are getting desensitized from it.. Fake or not this shit stank

    TomieEater May 3, 2024 3:12 am

    Just cuz the characters are hot... **

    Mao May 3, 2024 3:13 am


    I<3cats. May 3, 2024 3:16 am

    It's funny when they try and justify romanizing rape too

    I<3cats. May 3, 2024 3:17 am
    It's funny when they try and justify romanizing rape too I<3cats.

    To* ...

    TomieEater May 4, 2024 3:13 am
    It's funny when they try and justify romanizing rape too I<3cats.

    DUDE ON GOD?? I commented on someone else's post saying the same thing and one person replied with "ermm I don't see how this is manipulative or toxic?? I swear everyone is trolling" and bro when I tell u my fave dropped... IT DROPPED these people need some serious help or a reality check

    I<3cats. May 4, 2024 3:50 pm
    DUDE ON GOD?? I commented on someone else's post saying the same thing and one person replied with "ermm I don't see how this is manipulative or toxic?? I swear everyone is trolling" and bro when I tell u my fa... TomieEater

    FRRRRR I hate it when they turn around and make it seem like you're the weird one like?? What?