
I feel this. At first the jealousy was cute. But now with how many times he flashbacks to Doumeki and "his woman"... Doumeki seems not to clue into the jealousy either. But it would be so easy to resolve.
A simple "Hey, boss. I'm clocking a misunderstanding. Remember when you thought my sister was my girlfriend? Whoever this woman yakuza society talks about, there is no romance with her."
Poor Yashiro, he has so low self-esteem that it’s impossible for him to believe that Doumeki still has feelings for him :(( Not to mention that he believes that Doumeki has a woman now and fucking him is just some kind of enrichment of sexual life (just as for majority of Yakuza men Yashiro has had sex with during his lifetime). And I need to say that at first, in previous chapters somehow I enjoyed the idea of jealous Yashiro, but just now, when he described himself as a livestock uncapable of growth I saw how miserable he feels and how deeply depressed he is. It’s now even jealousy, it’s something that eats him from the inside. :((