
seabi May 2, 2024 6:38 pm

even side characters are getting raped

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:52 pm
    Wtff meuf tu parles fr aussi??? LOOL And also, Safety advocate is Morning diamond's alt account. he logs in asap when he's losing an argument He's literally projecting for you to say you don't support rape, so... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    MDR NO WAY T FR ? j’avais deviné à force… il défends MD comme si c’était son pote alors que c’est lui la honte ..
    but wtv istg he’s crazy he’s tryna win the argument by saying weird shit earlier he said « you’re a criminal » like wtf idk y he’s so hyped about jinx like damn calm down gosh he’s embarrassing himself

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 10:54 pm

    MD: you should just go outside. ( overused insult).

    Also MD: Take your advice and go outside and better yourself. You lack morals.

    The gist of his whole being. If he's projecting, angry, crying, feeding trolls, whtv he'll say it back to you. Whatever he's feeling in the moment he'll project. I know him so well BAHAHAH

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 10:54 pm
    okay then maybe you should tell md to come here to talk idk…. y’all sure are crazy to do that every day, like me i’m just a teen who’s trynna read cute stories and y’all are beefing over jinx srs ? da... seabi

    Sorry there you go again. There is not beef on this side. And what is going on really isn't about Jinx.
    It is the attacks on people.
    it is see rape or be a rape defender.
    in you case, it is see rape or you want them to die. Showing you have no morals, communication skills, or the ability to accept other views.

    They are people that is trying to story and share with people but they are constantly harassed. They are constantly gaslighted and cyberstalked.
    It is not every day. All the target left for 20 days or more and the cyberstalker keep going.
    How is the cyberstalkers framing MD for pedo about Jinx?
    We are here to defend people who would attack them and correct lies. They will share and talk about the story and get attacked. Some one has a beef with them and the reality of this story is getting twisted. If you are not gaslighting then you believed gaslighting.The targets are not the problem here. It is people like you that will not stop.

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:55 pm
    He does that to literally every poor soul who even tries to have a conversation with him, he then goes on to go back on his words and insult the people back (despite being so against ad hominems, he's the most ... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    LOL pls don’t stop trolling him cuz that’s funny ash, he’s tryna gaslight everyone but no one cares about him, no one’s even defending him he hates u sm

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:57 pm

    FRÈRE LA CON DE TA MÈRE CASSÉ TOI DEPUIS TU DÉBITES ON SEN BRANLE MSR VA NTM PTN FFR oh sah sayer tu débites pour rien bro we don’t gaf about u and ur opinions. why are u trynna make us believe u have fans or friends who have ur back when youre just all alone tryna gaslight ppl cuz u know damn well u masturbate on jk. js leave us alone omg argue w urself

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 10:58 pm
    i can’t go to jail love i’m a teen but you, grown fatass woman who read yaois and a big ass fetishizer ? yeah u can seabi

    Im dead at your fatass comments

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:59 pm

    you’re saying i have no moral when you’re the one who literally have been saying there’s no rape when dan LIT said he didn’t want to do it. consent can change even in middle of sex there’s rape everyone’s been saying the same fucking shit but you’re here tryna argue idk what. if you think there’s no rape then you’re a rape enjoyer idgaf. stop tryna gaslight ppl bro you’re totally crazy. yeah kys and take everything i said literally since you’re so fucking stupid

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:02 pm

    it’s like liking haradas work. ofc we are gonna bully them into not reading his works ? u dumb or sum? it’s obvs, there’s rape in it so why someone should enjoy this kinda thing. there is rape. it is not an opinion it is a fact. u don’t wanna believe it, then go ahead and cry about it, stay mad idc. i didn’t even do anything at first, i only said smth about side characters being raped. i didn’t attack anyone here but u come and post 50 comments leave me alone u fatass

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 11:03 pm
    LOL pls don’t stop trolling him cuz that’s funny ash, he’s tryna gaslight everyone but no one cares about him, no one’s even defending him he hates u sm seabi

    SO Now i am a man?

    Okay I wanted to know if you were acting at the beginning. I think there is enough to say you were in on it to cause a fight.
    You have the same arguments and thinking as they do. You use the same lies and believe their lies.
    They are not a troll. They are not troll. They are cyberstalking and making everyone MD. If they were a troll they would starve. That is how you know they are not trolls. There is no gaslighting on this side.

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:03 pm
    Im dead at your fatass comments I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    i know damn well he is i’m smelling him from here carrement

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 11:07 pm
    you’re saying i have no moral when you’re the one who literally have been saying there’s no rape when dan LIT said he didn’t want to do it. consent can change even in middle of sex there’s rape everyo... seabi

    You keep showing you have no morals. Your logic is your logic and you can't harm me with your logic when my logic is different. If I see the truth that there is no rape that does not say i don't have morals. That a stupid argument. Consent can change and change again and change again. Keep going to where you debunk the rape. What am I trying to argue? I am not. If I was a rape enjoyer I would see the rape and force rape into a story like you are doing. You are self-projecting. I don't enjoy rape. Stop trying to gaslight people. MD and I are not crazy. You keep proving you are. Your insult is you projecting. I am stand with the truth. You are more toxic than Jaekyung.

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:07 pm

    you wanna know smth? i srs don’t gaf sah, you have said enough, i’m not gonna change my opinions on this rape to love story. i love how they’re trolling u, you’re just a crazy person so why can’t we troll u…… im sorry but defending a rape story is insane. i’ve been telling you let’s have a decent conversation about jinx but u refuse cuz u have no fucking clue of what to say cuz you know damn well there’s rape in jinx. idc if they’re a cyberstalker that’s on u. its only causing harm on u lol. reading and fighting for this in every comment is crazy

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 11:07 pm
    MDR NO WAY T FR ? j’avais deviné à force… il défends MD comme si c’était son pote alors que c’est lui la honte ..but wtv istg he’s crazy he’s tryna win the argument by saying weird shit earlie... seabi

    JE TE JUREE Il se complimente de compte en compte, se dit il s'aime c'est grvv la honte c mm pas une blague skull He has like 10+ alts that conveniently log in to defend himself the second he's in an argument. he probably had life issues for a couple of weeks and surprise surprise none of his alts were here. and suddenly they're reappearing at ghe same time. he even accidentally forgot to change accs before commenting he's a whole ass clown

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 11:09 pm

    LMAO He even needed to clarify that he left for 20 days fot the N th time like bro doesn't realise it's making it more obvious it's one person

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 11:10 pm
    LOL pls don’t stop trolling him cuz that’s funny ash, he’s tryna gaslight everyone but no one cares about him, no one’s even defending him he hates u sm seabi


    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 11:12 pm
    it’s like liking haradas work. ofc we are gonna bully them into not reading his works ? u dumb or sum? it’s obvs, there’s rape in it so why someone should enjoy this kinda thing. there is rape. it is not ... seabi

    are you? You see the rape and forcing others to see the rape. That is wrong. It is an opinion and not a fact. if you take the facts there is no rape. I believe the truth not your opinion. you cry about and stay mad you are the one attacking and forcing others into your views. You can't even carry a conversation without attacking or talking about rape. I have lead you away from that many times and you still go back. You are obsessed to having rape in this story and harming others. You have attacked. This tread you have attack me and MD and MD does not even remember talking to you. Leave Jinx fans alone. Stop attacking them. The insults are immature and shows your insecurities. You are degrading yourself.

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:12 pm

    imma tell u where’s rape since u blind ash.
    can you tell me how there’s no rape :
    the second time they had sex it was in the shower i think. dan didn’t want to do it, right? so non cons : rape.
    but since you’re a little bit….. slow… imma explain it again.
    dan said no and started to cry, why didn’t he screamed or said something u shall tell me ? maybe because when you’re being raped you are paralyzed. he said no and started crying. your partner should know if you cry that means u don’t wanna do it. jk fully knew dan didn’t want to but he still raped him.
    please love tell me look i didn’t insult u ! except for the mf but you are a mf so it’s just the truth i ain’t lying

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 11:13 pm
    i know damn well he is i’m smelling him from here carrement seabi

    Arrette meuf je suis DEADDD

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:14 pm
    JE TE JUREE Il se complimente de compte en compte, se dit il s'aime c'est grvv la honte c mm pas une blague skull He has like 10+ alts that conveniently log in to defend himself the second he's in an argument.... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    MAIS PTDRRRRR LA HONTE FRR en plus il fait que dire « me and MD » bah bro vous êtes vraiment la même personne…
    he def has some issues cuz spending so much time here tryna read every mean comment on jinx is crazyyy doesn’t he have a job or sum that’s lowkey embarrassing mdrrr

    seabi May 3, 2024 11:14 pm
    HAHAHQHHQ THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE HATES TO HEAR, THANKS COUSINEE Like the amount of people who said this--- RILESSS HIM UPP LIKE CRAZY I love Morning Diamonds aka me