
seabi May 2, 2024 6:38 pm

even side characters are getting raped

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:26 pm
    what the hell… he’s crazy wtf i know he smells so bad lol seabi

    He barely sleeps he most def doesn't have time to shower

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 8:37 pm
    is he reading like every damn jinx comments ? he blocked me i think cuz i alrd talked to him a while ago and he was CRAZY mggo should banned him seabi

    Mangago should ban you and the cyberstalkers. You have attacked many people and callign them a rape defender from your view because you think they are ignoring rape.

    You are talking to a cyberstalker who is more like you. She attacks others like you do because she has the saem view and get off on harming others. You did not talk to anyone you attacked. He is not crazy. He is not a rape defender. So if you think he is ignoring rape. He thinks you are adding rape should you be called a rapist. How you are treating others in this page it is wrong. Your behavior is not acceptable. Neither is the cyberstalker impersonating him and gaslighting everyone.
    Who smells bad? Not him.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:42 pm

    HAHHAHAHA Keep crying MD You're mad MAD bahahha

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:51 pm
    Mangago should ban you and the cyberstalkers. You have attacked many people and callign them a rape defender from your view because you think they are ignoring rape. You are talking to a cyberstalker who is mor... Safety Advocate

    hey love !
    i have not attacked anyone, but if someone is a rape defender of course imma say they should kts and not come back then you’re saying i have attacked ppl but u said they should ban the cyberstalkers, aren’t you one too haha ? again its not my pov if there’s non cons rape then it’s rape~~~~ but it doesn’t seem to bother y’all. i didn’t know rape was a pov LOL. i’m again gonna say this again but, here in THAT story, dan was threatened and didn’t want to have sex : consent doesn’t mean « i said yes once so it’s okay for every other time » he said yes once but then regretted it : that’s rape loveeee. again… why should i be called a rapist? did i rape anyone ? u can call me a rape defender if you want but not a rapist come on that’s just absurd + you have no proof. he’s a pedo and you’re defending him? crazy !!!
    imma keep telling rape enjoyer to kts cuz that is not acceptable. i will not change my behaviour for y’all who enjoy seeing people being raped. y’all should just go outside. i think my behaviour it’s totally normal but you know what’s not? genocide ! so instead of yapping and defending a pedo + a rape enjoyer in my comments you should go boycotting, donate support and protest for the palestinians !!!!! love you btw but you should kys

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:52 pm
    HAHHAHAHA Keep crying MD You're mad MAD bahahha I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    lol he has some fans, there’s a person saying he’s not wrong for thinking this way and that our behaviour is wrong…. mggo is sure full of crazy ppl

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:09 pm
    lol he has some fans, there’s a person saying he’s not wrong for thinking this way and that our behaviour is wrong…. mggo is sure full of crazy ppl seabi

    Your behavior is toxic. You are self-projecting.

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:22 pm

    The cyberstalkers and you are allowed to feel they way they do but I am sorry the cyberstalkers feel that way to lie and lie. A lie is a lie.

    You are responsible for your behavior and you cannot blame your targets for your problems.
    Your actions has consequences. It’s essential to recognize that opinions can differ, and respectful dialogue is crucial. However, harassment and impersonation are unacceptable behaviors, regardless of differing viewpoints. lying is unacceptable too.

    One day you will learn what TM and Tora said to you was right. MD does not remember talking to you. Here you are slamming them for nothing they did and by sharing the truth. Why don't you stop and listen instead of being a child. What you are doing here is toxic.

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:26 pm
    OMG I KNOW HIMMMM yeah i’ve seen his crazy comments. well after reading everything it’s clear that he is a rape defender. i know that’s not your comments i’m not swearing at you but at what the comment ... seabi

    He is no where close to being a rape defender. It is clear you don't read his comments or like facts. It is clear you want to label others who have different views from yours. You are being disgusting here.

    seabi May 3, 2024 9:27 pm

    BEHHH t’as trop la rage stay mad

    seabi May 3, 2024 9:29 pm

    look love are u okay ? i really don’t gaf about what u saying tbh haha y’all have a big ass discord server js to attack and manipulate ppl to think rape is cool? gosh y’all are almost dead u have 35years calm down pay your bills ur baby needs to eat

    seabi May 3, 2024 9:29 pm

    u don’t even try to have a decent conversation w me. u just block me because u know i’m right t’as trop les morts msr mais lv c pas grv tqt

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:42 pm
    hey love ! i have not attacked anyone, but if someone is a rape defender of course imma say they should kts and not come back then you’re saying i have attacked ppl but u said they should ban the cyberstalke... seabi

    I have seeen the thread you have. You just attacked me. You are attacking MD here with false allegations. I don't think you can tell who is a rape defender or not. I am not a cyberstalker. Do you even know what one is? It is your view.
    Yes non con rape is rape but that is not jinx and you need accept that ones saying it is sexaul assault are not rape defenders. Using TM's logic if you are calling people a rape dedender because you see rape in a story and they don't does that make you a rape view defender? You calling them a rape defender from your pox does not harm them. It harms you. It shows you can't handle others having a different view point or be civil. You seem like you are cherry picking the story. You are making my points up to debunk them without talking to me. Show I sit back and get popcorn and watch you debate yourself. You don't my points. You want to be right and don't want to talk.

    Try again. You are calling people rape defenders from not ignoring rape that you have convince yourself to see. They are saying it is 100 SA and abusive. Since you are adding rape to them to atttack them, And can't stop talking about rape to where you are forcing someone to see rape or be a rape defender can they calll you a rapist. It is the same situation. It is called reverse psychology. Logical showing you are wrong in what you are doing. it is absurd to call them a rape defender. It is absurd in the gaslighting on them.
    He is not a pedo. That is gaslighting. Why do you believe gaslighting. The MD here, who is a cyberstalker has admitted to being a pedo. You are all friendly with the pedo and attacking their target over a view pioint on a story. how absurd. It is absurd to believe the real MD is pedo.

    you should just go outside. ( overused insult). Your behavior is normal? for falsely accusing others because they have a different view? absurd. Attacking others is not normal. He is not a rape enjoyer. Now you are changing his opinions and likes to attack him. You are saying your behavior is normal and you tell me that bs *last three words) at the end. You can go to jail for that. Youi need to stop assuming and making up bs. You need to stop being a criminal and believe gaslighting. You showed you have to attack. Take your advice and go outside and better yourself. You lack morals.

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:44 pm
    u don’t even try to have a decent conversation w me. u just block me because u know i’m right t’as trop les morts msr mais lv c pas grv tqt seabi

    I knew about you and how you attack others. I blocked for you attacks. What did you said that right? You took a messaged that was not aim at you as if it was too you. You are falsely accusing people. You attack people. You told me to go kill my self. You are toxic. You are wrong.

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:48 pm
    look love are u okay ? i really don’t gaf about what u saying tbh haha y’all have a big ass discord server js to attack and manipulate ppl to think rape is cool? gosh y’all are almost dead u have 35years ... seabi

    immature petty insults. Can you only gaslight? That explains the cyberstalkers not the targets. That explains you and not the targets. You are the one attacking and manipulating as nothing of that fits the targets. You are wrong. You know nothing. You are only showing your immaturity. Stop being toxic over your false opinions.

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 9:49 pm
    Mangago should ban you and the cyberstalkers. You have attacked many people and callign them a rape defender from your view because you think they are ignoring rape. You are talking to a cyberstalker who is mor... Safety Advocate

    For the record, I had a different message instead I seen how she treated MD. Here she is slamming MD and they may never talked to each other. She does not even talking about the real MD or his friends.

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:00 pm

    okay now this is interesting… u know what, no one cares about your jk defender ass and your lil fag friend. y’all are CRAZY. u realized we’re on an illegal smut site right? the FUCK are you on about like srs .. girl like wtf rape isn’t a pov and i’ll keep saying that there is rape in this bs story, end. u said u don’t wanna talk but you’re the one who’s been texting me, then what do u want ? i never attacked u. you’re just crazy that’s all :p but listen…. you know why trains were invented ? for ppl to jump and kts. so if you see some rails, don’t be shy! just jump! make a video please i wanna see >_<
    anyways, you’re crazy its a shitty bl no one likes it because of its rape why bother defending it ….

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:06 pm

    ofc imma tell u to kys when you’re doing things like this ? you’re a fully grown ass woman who’s barely even breathing and u keep attacking a teen even i know better than you about rape when youre 35 and i’m 18. if you know me that well then you’re a cyberstalker. u sayin u ain’t one but look at your acc ffs. y’all have a big ass discord server where u track ppl and all the jinx’s comments where we are saying rape is wrong ? y’all fr should stop and think about y’all behaviour. this is crazy like, i’m not even reading jinx fr do u think i enjoy seeing someone being raped ? lol. and i wasn’t even talking about md at first. i was just saying my thing in the comment and u come w u fatass come here to block me and to tell me i’m the crazy one? what’s wrong w u srs … is it ur full time job? go help palestians brother. this is not that deep.
    plus, like i said, look at ur own acc, u don’t even read mangas you’re just here to argue with people and to manipulate em into believing things that are WRONG. u and md are saying « you’re disgusting. you are wrong. you are a criminal. » and ppl feel crazy bad after that. ( not me tho cuz i really don’t gaf and have my own problems (((( a job and bills ))))) ) your whole acc is just « THIS ONE IS CRAZY AND THIS ONE IS BABABABABHSJAJABBSBDJ » like girl calm downbnbnn damn

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:09 pm

    u know u keep saying l am wrong and i am gaslighting people into thinking « my opinion » but thing is, y’all are the one attacking ME when i just post wtv i want. i have never consecrated my whole life time on jinx. iam just posting comments and laughing on that rape to love story. if u don’t wanna read that then leave. y’all are the one who post comments every day, scan every comments and try gaslighting everyone into thinking jk did not rape him. leave me alone u crazy fatass. u have time so go HELP PPL WHO NEED HELP ZND GO FUCKING PROTEST FOR PALESTINE U CRAZY WOMAN

    Safety Advocate May 3, 2024 10:10 pm
    LOL I SHOULD STOP BEING A CRIMINAL okay now this is interesting… u know what, no one cares about your jk defender ass and your lil fag friend. y’all are CRAZY. u realized we’re on an illegal smut site ri... seabi

    Who are you talking to? I am defending JK? You are defending your rape pov. You are self-projecting. It is illegal but it more then smut. We know what you read. What are you on? Rape is your pov. I am not defending it. What are you on? Where did I said I don't want to talk about. Thanks for validating the block. And you gave shitty advice that no one needs to take. If someone does that from your suggest, you go to jail. Thanks for more evidence. I am defending people from people like you. There is no rape. There is not rape to defend. i am not even defending the story. I am defending people from people like you. You need to seek therapy if you can't handle different povs or the truth. But you have to shit on people and be toxic when you are wrong.

    seabi May 3, 2024 10:14 pm

    you know what’s illegal? this site. and u not doing smth better with your time. if you’re not defending jk or this story then why did u consecrated your whole life and acc on this manga ? you said « i don’t want to talk » …… okay
    then you’re blocking me and still going on my page to see if i replied to your comments, what’s the point of blocking me babe ?
    then why jk did not stop when dan told him to the first time they had sex ? tell me cuz i think you’re more invested in this than in the genocide that’s been happening