
seabi May 2, 2024 6:38 pm

even side characters are getting raped

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 5:21 pm

    How are they getting raped? Potato and Dan may say ''no'' but they want it deep in their hearts. And in the end they will date. So how is this rape?

    seabi May 3, 2024 7:50 pm
    How are they getting raped? Potato and Dan may say ''no'' but they want it deep in their hearts. And in the end they will date. So how is this rape? I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    ummm i hope it’s a joke ….
    dan had been raped like 30 times ? u tell me b4 he realized his feelings for this crazy mf he wanted to have sex ? did he want to have sex in the pool? the 1st time they did it? in the shower ????? this is rape.
    and for potato, he was drunk, that’s rape. it’s non cons so that is rape. there’s no such thing in « deep in their heart they want it » it’s just theirs body reacting to sex.
    jk and the other b!tch are both rapist

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 7:59 pm
    ummm i hope it’s a joke …. dan had been raped like 30 times ? u tell me b4 he realized his feelings for this crazy mf he wanted to have sex ? did he want to have sex in the pool? the 1st time they did it? ... seabi

    and finishes. 

What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings. 
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Jaekyung did not force him to engage. He did made threats but the one that count is invalid as he told him to go home and Dan chose to stay. There was no emotion force. No manipulation. 
Then Dan returns to make another deal with him. Dan is a man and knew what kind of sex Jaekyung liked then. The second time I would say it comes close to rape is the penis sleeve. 
You have to take consideration Dan’s character and Jaekyung’s character. The story is clear it is not rape. It does come close to it.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:00 pm

    shit I didn't copy his full comment



Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.

Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more. 
In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx? 
He grabs him and tosses him on the bed = abusive. 
“HOLD STILL BEFORE I BREAK YOUR ANKLE.” Sounds like a threat but more likely a warning. 



Skipping some lines. “…DON'T EXPECT TO BE
SENT HOME SAFE AND SOUND.” He makes a threat. 
Dan remembers the uke being slammed in the wall— abusive 
“THEN... HOW DO I DO THIS.” If this continued it would been raped because he threatened him into it. BUT skipping some lines. 

“IF EVEN THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THEN JUST GET THE FUCK OUT.” This is the second time Jaekyung told him to leave. Dan could leave. 

Dan consented and it had nothing to do with the threats or being forced into it. 


IN NOW... Dan is consenting. 

Dan stops consenting. “S-STOP... DON'T”
Slam his head into the pillow- abusive. 
“…AND I'LL SMASH YOUR HEAD IN.”- threatening. 
First reading I was like this is rape. End of chapter 3. 
Chapter 4. Dan isn’t saying anything and by Jaekyung he is tight. Verify Dan told him to put it in again “YOU TELL ME TO JUST PUT IT IN, AND THEN CLENCH UP SO TIGHT I CAN'T
EVEN DO IT.” Why didn’t Dan talk again. He is too tight to cause him to bleed. When Jaekyung noticed something is wrong. He stops. He turns Dan around “WHAT THE ARE YOU CRYING?”OVER THAT? I BARELY EVEN PUT IT IN! “ Look at that face. He is concerned. He wants sex. He does not want to rape the guy. If you think rape is sex. You need professional help. 

“N-NO, THAT'S NOT WHY... Y-YOU JUST... STARTLED ME...”. This would not stop like no stop to someone. It would be a green light to many. 
Jaekyung covers up his concern. 
“NO... HIC-I CAN DO IT...” Dan consented again. 
This is not rape. 

No. Sir please. It is too deep. 
A few panels Jaekyung will stop thrusting and bend over to talk to Dan. He stops. He listened. 
He asked Dan how many guys had him before him. 
Dan is saying no it is not like that. It takes a little jump. We don’t know if Jaekyung asked to continue or not. 
Dan asked him to be a little gentler. He covers Dans mouth and finishes. 

What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings. 
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Jaekyung did not force him to engage. He did made threats but the one that count is invalid as he told him to go home and Dan chose to stay. There was no emotion force. No manipulation. 
Then Dan returns to make another deal with him. Dan is a man and knew what kind of sex Jaekyung liked then. The second time I would say it comes close to rape is the penis sleeve. 
You have to take consideration Dan’s character and Jaekyung’s character. The story is clear it is not rape. It does come close to it.

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:02 pm
    shit I didn't copy his full commentrape. 

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to e... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    bro u fr rn?

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:03 pm
    shit I didn't copy his full commentrape. 

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to e... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    fym « his comment » who is it???

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:08 pm
    fym « his comment » who is it??? seabi

    a pedophile and rape defender Morning Diamonds

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:11 pm
    and finishes. 

What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings. 
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in w... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    girl first of all u saying he consented it. he did not ! he was menaced if he had left he would’ve have been in a real shit since jk would’ve just beaten him up so no he couldn’t leave. then it’s not because u consented it that u can’t say you don’t want to anymore. consent doesn’t work like this if you are dumb that’s not my fault. it clearly demonstrates that you haven’t been assaulted or raped in your life and not even once. when you’re being raped ure just paralyzed and can’t move. here we have a skinny ass bottom who’s scared of everything and in front of him he has this giant rapist who’s number one in mma. PLEASE. rape is non consent. if you say no that is no. if you cry that’s rape. if you’re drunk that’s rape. jk did forced him to have sex since he threatened him … he said that if dan wanted to go home he would punched him so that doesn’t count ? my ass it doesn’t. that’s so crazy like how can someone say this typa shit. honestly. even if they’re having sex and dan say stop and jk doesn’t want to, that’s rape. even if he did agreed, that’s rape. « it comes close to rape » bro needs to go to a mental hospital asap. it’s like when i talked w a jk defender and rape defender they said « dan said no here but in fact he wanted it, here he said it again but he didn’t say it enough so that’s not rape » like ITS MF RAPE. « it does come close to it » oh so dan cannot say no in the middle of sex when he don’t want to do it anymore ? right it’s not rape right right…..

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:14 pm
    shit I didn't copy his full commentrape. 

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to e... I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    i don’t even want to read all that shit but i just saw smth that weirded me out so bad. u said « dan didn’t say anything so that’s not rape » girlie when youre being raped you’re totally paralyzed and cannot move. easier to say than to do. maybe if you were in this situation you could’ve understood why dan didn’t say anything but since you’re so fucking dumb

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:15 pm
    girl first of all u saying he consented it. he did not ! he was menaced if he had left he would’ve have been in a real shit since jk would’ve just beaten him up so no he couldn’t leave. then it’s not be... seabi


    seabi May 3, 2024 8:15 pm
    a pedophile and rape defender Morning Diamonds I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    OMG I KNOW HIMMMM yeah i’ve seen his crazy comments. well after reading everything it’s clear that he is a rape defender. i know that’s not your comments i’m not swearing at you but at what the comment said ( basically at him )

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:16 pm

    The above user is a troll. Do not engage with her. She will gaslight you ino believing Jaekyung raped Dan.

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:17 pm
    The above user is a troll. Do not engage with her. She will gaslight you ino believing Jaekyung raped Dan. I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    what ? do u have bipolar or sum

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:17 pm
    OMG I KNOW HIMMMM yeah i’ve seen his crazy comments. well after reading everything it’s clear that he is a rape defender. i know that’s not your comments i’m not swearing at you but at what the comment ... seabi

    No I gotchuuu he's fuming reading our comments rn He literally just said that pedophilia is 14 and below to explain away why he asked a 16yo for pics. YEAH BYE

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:19 pm
    No I gotchuuu he's fuming reading our comments rn He literally just said that pedophilia is 14 and below to explain away why he asked a 16yo for pics. YEAH BYE I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    what ????? wtf i have no idea what’s going on lol why did u say « The above user is a troll. Do not engage with her. She will gaslight you ino believing Jaekyung raped Dan. »

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:20 pm
    No I gotchuuu he's fuming reading our comments rn He literally just said that pedophilia is 14 and below to explain away why he asked a 16yo for pics. YEAH BYE I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    is he reading like every damn jinx comments ? he blocked me i think cuz i alrd talked to him a while ago and he was CRAZY
    mggo should banned him

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:21 pm
    what ????? wtf i have no idea what’s going on lol why did u say « The above user is a troll. Do not engage with her. She will gaslight you ino believing Jaekyung raped Dan. » seabi

    I meant to refer to me, he always stalks me and says sum shit like that to discredit me as if anyone cares about impersonations Soz you happened to comment just before!

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 3, 2024 8:22 pm
    is he reading like every damn jinx comments ? he blocked me i think cuz i alrd talked to him a while ago and he was CRAZY mggo should banned him seabi

    EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And no wonder he hasn't shown up in this comment thread of yours That's his full time job. any time of the day I post a comment he'll instantly reply

    seabi May 3, 2024 8:23 pm
    I meant to refer to me, he always stalks me and says sum shit like that to discredit me as if anyone cares about impersonations Soz you happened to comment just before! I love Morning Diamonds aka me

    what the hell… he’s crazy wtf i know he smells so bad lol