Seth is not morally good but atleast he's paying for his crime now. What he's going thru rn is literally trip to hell like damn those men, they disgust me to core but i must acknowledge that seth made them that way, he killed their families especially women and children but their actions tho?! UNFORGIVABLE
Part of the reason why humans write similar fictional stories about gods is exactly because they (humans) want to feel better about themselves and justify their wrongdoings, so they make gods less perfect/flawed. It is very obvious here when it is mentioned somewhere that the gods' actions are no better than the humans' they berate.
people often write gods based on human beings themselves, like greek gods for example. it's not necessarily people wanting to justify their own crimes, because when people did those crimes (murder, genocide, corruption, etc) society still condemned them and there was still a justice system in place to punish them. gods function more as an explanation for natural phenomena and as an extension of humankind. their existence are pretty much the answer for "what if we live forever? what if we're high enough in the power structure to not feel the consequences for our actions? what if we're defined by one obscure domain that we rule over? what becomes of our morals? our self perception? our decay? how do we change?"
I agree. I was answering in the context that OP wrote of, that humans would subconsciously want gods to commit what they would deem as wrongdoings because it would mean "everyone -even gods- commit crimes", etc. That aside, I believe humans are unable to write about a perfect being because they themselves are flawed by nature.
You know sometimes i think these gods are worse than humans. Imagine the audacity to call us low lives while they probably don't even know the stuggle to survive, the struggle to do nothing because your powerless and the feeling of helplessnes. The way they just treat those wrongfully executed people as nothing but an insignificant deaths. They kinda deserve what's happening to them rn, their karma is accumulating and is going into play soon.