Whyd he have to take advantage of him bro…. like potato had to a knowledge that consent ...

satan's spinach lover May 2, 2024 5:23 pm

Whyd he have to take advantage of him bro…. like potato had to a knowledge that consent is important. Mingwa disappoints again

    Ur Gay May 2, 2024 6:14 pm

    Um shes stated many times she likes the toxic trope you get warned too

    satan's spinach lover May 2, 2024 8:32 pm
    Um shes stated many times she likes the toxic trope you get warned too Ur Gay

    yeah cus she’s ill in the head nigga

    Ur Gay May 2, 2024 9:00 pm
    yeah cus she’s ill in the head nigga satan's spinach lover

    You already got the warning so why you here

    satan's spinach lover May 2, 2024 11:18 pm
    You already got the warning so why you here Ur Gay

    what point r u tryna make…. you can have a toxic relationship w/o rape or sa…. ur desensitized…as i said…mingwa never fails to disappoint

    Ur Gay May 3, 2024 12:15 am
    what point r u tryna make…. you can have a toxic relationship w/o rape or sa…. ur desensitized…as i said…mingwa never fails to disappoint satan's spinach lover

    I guess I’m curious why you are reading it

    satan's spinach lover May 3, 2024 1:56 am
    I guess I’m curious why you are reading it Ur Gay

    because it’s fun to hate on it. without all the rape and abuse this has a pretty intriguing plot but im not gonna be like yall who romanticize rape and abuse

    Ur Gay May 3, 2024 2:43 am
    because it’s fun to hate on it. without all the rape and abuse this has a pretty intriguing plot but im not gonna be like yall who romanticize rape and abuse satan's spinach lover

    Who tf said they romanticize it because I have never seen anyone say that ever

    satan's spinach lover May 3, 2024 2:56 am
    Who tf said they romanticize it because I have never seen anyone say that ever Ur Gay

    the manga its-self does it lmao it allows readers to downplay rape bc “redemption” arcs

    Ur Gay May 3, 2024 3:00 am
    the manga its-self does it lmao it allows readers to downplay rape bc “redemption” arcs satan's spinach lover

    I don’t think people think that, there is a difference between real life and fictional it’s the people who can not tell the difference apart that think that way

    satan's spinach lover May 3, 2024 11:40 am
    I don’t think people think that, there is a difference between real life and fictional it’s the people who can not tell the difference apart that think that way Ur Gay

    u can’t speak on behalf of everyone tho..fiction doesnt affect reality but it can affect your perception of it. i have started many topics in this comment section discussing the coerced rape and someone literally said coerced rape isnt rape, after i sent them gov offical documents stating that coerced rape is still rape. that’s desensitization at its finest and a lot of people who read this shit r affected by it like imagine that person goes out coercing people to have sex w them bc they read shit like jinx where rape is downplayed and overlooked…. spooky

    Ur Gay May 3, 2024 12:43 pm
    u can’t speak on behalf of everyone tho..fiction doesnt affect reality but it can affect your perception of it. i have started many topics in this comment section discussing the coerced rape and someone liter... satan's spinach lover

    Sadly there are crazy people like that