i dont know how to feel about this manga, i like the idea and the world seems interesting ...

phoo May 2, 2024 9:03 am

i dont know how to feel about this manga, i like the idea and the world seems interesting and mysterious but the ways they treat the mc just feels weird
like everyone keeps treating her like she's a child or teenager even though she's mentally stated to be 30 or 31 (mentioned when lofas states his age to be almost 30 or 31 and she thinks "he'll be surprised if he knows I'm the same age" and when she had a great opportunity to tell at the very least blythe her age when he confessed and stated he was 28, instead of saying her age she says shes not interested in guys who look younger than her
and also blythe is under the assumption that mc is young so him being romantically interested in her with the assumption of her age is weird
