Well you got at least one part right: he is talking about himself here.
But the heart clue isn’t about love. It’s what the hero is looking for: Anastasia. That madman actually just told him how to find it. The parallels with the fairytale is that if Anastasia is ever found, it could be his demise since his family power is based on the fact that they have Anastasia and he is one of the rare persons to know it’s location. Which he just gave away for the thrills.
And little fun spoil: we had, as readers, have already seen where Anastasia is as well.
He is just teasing the hero to see if he is smart enough to understand the riddle while as being a dick to his family (because they think - for good reasons - that he is unhinged, and he doesn’t like that do he finds it fun to piss them of)

Ive been giving Taekjoo shit for chapters for not even suspecting Zhenya or being Bogandov, but maybe I need to apologize to him cause I have no idea what Anastasia is and im baffled that we've already seen it TT_TT
All I can think of is that Zhenya himself is Anastasia and he's a living weapon, but they "failed" because of a) some flaw, and/or b) Zhenya can't be controlled. Or maybe Anastasia is the drug Taekjoo got pricked with lol
I genuinely have no idea what it is at this point. sorry for being so mean Taekjoo, these hints are going over my head too

That was my initial thought when I read that part in the novel. That Zehnia was Anastasia. It would have been kinda cool tho a little too on the nose.
But no. It is something else. And really destructive as well. But not a weapon in the traditional sense of the definition. And we haven’t “seen” it yet. Just where it is held.
But I do agree with you, Taekjoo has been really careless. First he “assumed” Anastasia and tge SS-29 were the same thing. In the world on intelligence and spy, you to assume anything. And if you do, you double check.
He never double check anything, despite Zehnua being not that discreet. Blondie gave away tones of hints and T-boy picked on none. But I gonna say he isn’t really helped either because his superior basically send him into a trap on purpose.

Oh that’s interesting, I thought the heart part was genuine foreshadowing from the author abt zehina’s eventual development of feelings toward taejoo but seeing as you've read the novel, I.e know what will happen, I’ve just misinterpreted it!
But waittt u can’t just drop the fact that not only does Anastasia exists, but we’ve also already seen it, if I had to guess I’d say it was hidden somewhere in the bedroom or maybe it’s something more cryptic like it’s associated with zehina’s tattoo

Don’t worry, Taekjoo will solve this a bit after this awful event. So you should get the answer soon.
But as a final tease and after I stop: it isn’t in that house. We saw it a long time ago in the story. (Funnily, I picked on it (and I am sure you did too without realizing) when I read the comics, as it was an “odd detail”. You know those detail that seemed random filling for the plot but the more you think of it, the more it seems out of place, like an hair in a soup. Because they were actually placed this way to be noticed. And when I went and read the novel, I just laugh with a big “I knew it was weird and here for a reason.”)
I’d say don’t focus too much on the treasures chest. It is a twisted clue to divert your mind where it should be. There are in his riddle other clues that are far more important.
Now I really shut up. Because I don’t want to ruin this for and I am too chatty for my and people’s goo. I just thought it could be fun to maybe go on an early mystery solving quest (as a diversion from what is happening in the story that is pretty dark).
I feel like zhenyas somewhat senseless little yap session was also him indirectly portraying himself as the mc of the story he was telling, and basically confessing to taejoo that his secret weakness is giving away his heart aka being venerable enough to fall in love...and I high key think it’s obvious foreshadowing