mc get behind me

L00 May 2, 2024 2:45 am

i will be the one to say it. u have to be one privileged mf not to understand where mc is coming from.
honestly if u didnt grow up poor u will NEVER understand how hard it is to accept anything from anyone! when u are so used to working so hard to get the smallest things in life its not easy to feel "comfortable/dependent" on someone else. even if u know that person loves u its just so hard, sometimes impossible. but mc is trying & willing to learn (couldnt be me lol). some of us dont even get to admit feeling something even to ourselves because we simply cant "afford it" we got so used to worrying about big depressing stuff that we dont make room for the "joys" of life, so when we come across them we dont know how to deal with them. mc is like that.
So yeah if u hate on him or think he is too much, ure most likely a self centered privileged person who has never experienced the struggles of social status.

    levipleasecallmeback May 2, 2024 3:37 am

    THANK YOU!!! crazy how readers are shocked or invalidating when traumatized people act like traumatized people. i agree with everything you said. its so mind blowing to me how little empathy there is for him when we know his entire backstory. is it really surprising someone with immense abandonment issues, family displacement, and money insecurity has unhealthy coping mechanisms or issues with his self esteem/relationships?

    again thanks for explaining this to others, im a mc defender til i die

    wonders May 2, 2024 3:52 am

    Extremely well said, you knock some sense into me about MC's characterisation. Thank you for the analysis.

    Adore May 2, 2024 3:55 am

    Thank you. I just had a whole ass argument with someone about this, they were hating on the mc because he doesn’t “love” the ml like give him time to love himself first Jesus.

    wonders May 2, 2024 4:06 am
    Thank you. I just had a whole ass argument with someone about this, they were hating on the mc because he doesn’t “love” the ml like give him time to love himself first Jesus. Adore

    Oh my. I believe the MC do loves him, it's just that since he cannot provide the ML with anything material or even time, he might have been feeling undeserving of ML's affection towards him. Also bcause the ML is a "giver" by nature, so it's becoming harder for MC to find a balance and his role in the relationship I guess.

    Adore May 2, 2024 4:13 am

    I agree. I just wished readers would be more patient with the mc, he is still finding himself, he’s a complex character with trauma and guilt it’s not always going to be rainbow and sunshine.

    Farscapewho747 May 2, 2024 4:35 am

    Thank you for writing that and I could not agree with you more. From the first chapter we have known what kind of person a Dojun is and his feelings of guilt, shame, and a big inferiority complex. If he didn’t have these feelings, than he wouldn’t have been so hesitant about being with Tae. Like you said he has spent his life feeling alone and blames himself for everything, and here is Tae who he sees as this amazing and giving person and puts him on a pedestal, the problem with that is when people do this they think they aren’t good enough for that person, as for Dojun it’s Tae on the pedestal and not him. You already covered everything else I planned to say so I’ll stop here. Though I will say that even though that rat faced fucker’s intention was to hurt Dojun and he twisted the truth, it seems may have inadvertently given Dojun a wake up call. It could go that Dojun will try to do better and be better, but it could also go to the dreaded “I’m not good enough for you so let’s break up” but I think it will be the first..

    Hinaizuki May 2, 2024 11:34 am

    This, I don't know why some people just getting pissed off with him and invalidating his problem/trauma. Some people are just privileged to not understand that he has a lot of baggage to carry and need somr time to heal himself first.

    Especially now the we have a white haired bitch that messing with their relationship and adding some doubt to the MC, so we can't really blamed Do-jun for thinking that he is not enough and didn't deserve the ML love. Because really, some people just love to cause some trouble and conflict.