Ngl now that I reread it I realised that blondie has actually only bottomed twice. I hope ...

Meow Nyann May 1, 2024 11:09 pm

Ngl now that I reread it I realised that blondie has actually only bottomed twice. I hope the author makes another volume where he starts to bottom more and be comfortable with it, just like how black hair is also more dominant leaning he learned to give in to his partner’s needs (way more than he needs to) that it can feel unfair. I get the whole “top headspace” thing but isn’t it unfair that only black hair has to give in to blondie when he’s done that for YEARS? Relationship is a 50/50 if blondie has now know his partner prefers to be dominant he should at least learn to give in more if he wants both of them to be satisfied and have their desires fulfilled or compromised. The end does show him slowly opening up to it but still being in denial, I hope he actually softens up the way black hair did.

    Tsktsk August 30, 2024 6:56 am

    To be fair though the black haired guy for the last two years did not say he wanted to be top and he faked liking their relationship how it was. The only reason why anything even got fixed is because blonde overheard and cared enough to try to talk about it and fix it. So I don’t really see the two years counting. It’s new to him and now it should be 50/50 but it seems a bit unfair to add the two years into the equation. Being someone who is similar to the black haired guy, being inclined to lie to make things easier for loved ones and avoiding conflicts I’m less lenient in giving it sympathy. It’s a bad habit that should be broken I’m glad their communication is a lot better now.

    Meow Nyann August 30, 2024 8:00 pm
    To be fair though the black haired guy for the last two years did not say he wanted to be top and he faked liking their relationship how it was. The only reason why anything even got fixed is because blonde ove... Tsktsk

    Ok even if we don’t count the 2 years after they had switched Sakuya DID communicated and adamantly shown he wanted to top but Kyohei never let him. Reread chapter 3. Sure I’d understand if Kyohei didn’t understand the first 2 years because Sakuya never expressed it but after they opened up and Sakuya has shown his true desires to top Kyohei but Kyohei still rejected it because it’s a “woman’s position” to him? That’s selfish.

    Tsktsk August 30, 2024 8:25 pm
    Ok even if we don’t count the 2 years after they had switched Sakuya DID communicated and adamantly shown he wanted to top but Kyohei never let him. Reread chapter 3. Sure I’d understand if Kyohei didn’t ... Meow Nyann

    Yeah I agree I was just talking about the two years

    Meow Nyann August 30, 2024 8:34 pm
    Yeah I agree I was just talking about the two years Tsktsk

    Tbh if you truly loved your partner you’d put the weight of them having to go against their preference for you in mind when they finally mustered up the courage to open up about what they truly want, I’m also a former people pleaser so I know how hard it is to be honest about what you want and just fake it instead. Also given Kyohei’s personality it also seemed like he’s always been the more stubborn/overbearing one (which coexists with his proactive attitude as well which turned in favor for him opening up about this issue) so it’s probably even harder for Sakura to even open up the topic and in the end it just dragged on for 2 years. Even if at the end it’s not Kyoheis fault he didn’t know but for me if my partner told me there’s something I did that they didn’t like all this time after they just got the courage to tell me I’d put the effort to keep that in mind to fix our relationship in the future instead of going “it’s hard for me to change kayyyy” isn’t that selfish as a partner So having less sympathy is just weird to me in this context and I think people are being too lenient with Kyohei.

    Meow Nyann August 30, 2024 8:39 pm
    Yeah I agree I was just talking about the two years Tsktsk

    Also WELPPP looks like I’m going off at you sorry was just elaborating more about how I feel and the general reaction I’ve seen towards the characters, mostly kinda sympathizing more with Kyohei when I think he should also be criticized when it’s due as much as he was excused for not knowing prior before. But honestly at this rate the author needs to make vol 2 where they communicate more to scratch that itch in me