
meepmoop May 1, 2024 10:02 pm

I LOVED this story I think it’s so well written but the author got FLASHBACK CRAZY I wish it was like a stretch of a few chapters all together or like dispersed between the present day, I literally rolled my eyes when daon had a flashback as he was leaving soohyun to the conversation he LITERALLY JUST HAD WITH HIM why did that need to be a flashback like what it kind of convoluted the point and watered down the impact of modern day actions to keep us on our toes about what could have possibly happened in the past like oh!!! You want to know?? Wait 50 chapters for an iota of expose <333 other than that though really fucking good story, fuck jaemin eat shit and die bitch

    meepmoop May 1, 2024 10:05 pm

    Also I wish there was more into Daon’s writing, the first few chapters especially with sunghyeon loving it but hating Daon, made it seem like it was gonna be a much bigger part of the plot than it was and there was SO much potential for it