He’s a magnet for hot men

Greystace May 1, 2024 4:28 pm

I mean, of course he is, he’s gorgeous.
But I can’t really see what changed. Why does he feel guilty? He’s never been exclusive with TJ. And Jo is hardly ever on his mind.
Did the funeral do something to them? Are they in love now?
Poor girl. She’s so young.

    Greystace May 1, 2024 4:47 pm

    I mean sure they seem in love, much as they want to pretend it’s just bros being bros. But. I don’t think it’s consistent with Ian’s character to feel guilty about his sexual urges. He’s never been? Did all the men and all the sex come when TJ was not in the picture? I think I need to reread but I’m confused about this. Is he trying to change his ways? Trying to live and work and be a good guy?

    Yuki May 1, 2024 8:30 pm

    It's not about Tj. He feels guilty because he knows Jo doesn't like him sleeping around.

    LaNansha May 1, 2024 9:09 pm

    He feels guilty because
    1. he likes and respects Jo who doesn’t like him sleeping around and has been there since TJ disappeared on him

    2. The only role TJ would have in his guilt would only be on the subconscious level because he hasn’t realized hes in love with him in the first place