Seyoung also played with Heejae's feelings. Is that okay to play with someone heart just because they didn't take their revenge and return everything ?
If you play with someone heart then you can't expect them to leave you alone.
What Heejae did to Seyoung after wasn't good on his part either. Both of them did messed up things.
If arguing to who was less at fault is what people only concentrate about then it's meaningless because the story in this manwha doesn't resolve around that.

Well if you look at what they got, seyoung got nothing but guilt lmao, and i don't think seyoung actually thought heejae would develope feeling for him lol he has been cursing him in his face since they met in the game and any sane person would'nt fall for someone like this,
But heejae happened to be an idiot.
A big idiot LMAO HE IS SO MUCH OF AN IDIOT like he got the money for his gift and none of his gifts if i remember right were accepted? Dun remember but the only one who got fucked in this failed reveng of seyoung is him and that girl she lost money and he failed his reveng and now stuck with guilt and a stalker, heejae could've just forgot about seyoung but he is soooooo petty and i'm here for it

Are we just here to compare whose from the two protagonists did the most messed up things?
Just to clarify things I don't think Seyoung deserve Heejae's behavior towards him.
I just think that, as in real life, if you messed with the wrong people you should be aware that they would do worst to you.
If you played with someone's feelings don't just assume that this person would react as "normal".
Yes what both of them did to each other doesn't mean it's equal because they are clearly not the same. It feels like you see them as one. I see both of the characters as individuals not as one unity.
In terms of an actual moral compass, indeed we can agree that what Heejae did is worst... Yet I can see why it justify what Seyoung have done to Heejae.
If you are able to condemn Heejae for his wrong doings then you should also do the same for Seyoung.
I can understand why you say Heejae deserve to have his feelings played but for me it's very exaggerated because what have done Heejae and what have done Seyoung are two different things.
I totally see where your arguments are coming from. I agree with you with "Catfishing someone as revenge does not equate to Heejaes actions". However we have two different opinions with the rest.

For this paragraph :
“Yes what both of them did to each other doesn't mean it's equal because they are clearly not the same. It feels like you see them as one. I see both of the characters as individuals not as one unity.
In terms of an actual moral compass, indeed we can agree that what Heejae did is worst... Yet I can see why it justify what Seyoung have done to Heejae.”
I wanted to say : “Yes what both of them did to each other doesn't mean it's equal because they are clearly not the same. It feels like you see them as one. I see both of the characters as individuals not as one unity.
In terms of an actual moral compass, indeed we can agree that what Heejae did is worst... YET I CAN'T SEE WHY IT JUSTIFY WHAT SEYOUNG HAVE DONE TO HEEJAE.”
I put the modifications in caps.

Thank you for the advice. In gratitude let me also give you one in return :
Before advising people “to go outside and interact with actual ppl Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)” I would like to add that you should check twice someone's intentions before giving such advice.
Sorry for the confusion english is not my native language. By no means my intentions were to put what Heejae's done to Seyoung and what Seyoung's done to Heejae on the same level.
I just wanted to let people know that because what Heejae's have done to Seyoung is worst, people are being biased and justify Seyoung wrong doing.
There's messed up people on the outside. They may be a minority in the 7 billions of people but, we, as humans are not just good people.
We can't really know how someone would react in such a situation.
The kind lamb can be a wolf in sheep's disguise or maybe the lamb didn't knew itself that it was in reality a wolf.
his personality now makes a lot more sense with his backstory being shown now. the way he acted was also understandable because he was being harassed by heejae. y’all can argue that seyoung deserved it cuz he’s a scammer BUTTTT he 1. returned all the money 2. it was a staff that was GIFTED to him, and 3. his specific issue does not justify getting heavily harassed in person to the point of having to provide free hospitality due to blackmail, and being stalked. but y’all ngl i almost dropped this webtoon cuz his personality was starting to get a lil too much. i hope to see some improvement from here on out tho