Basically one of these two men liked the other men during school years but it wasn't reciprocated bcs the other person is straight. Now he is dating the long hair dude and everything is good until the re-encounter with the straight friend (who is already married), in which this high school friend realized his feeling to the other man.
Now with their re encounter that happened while both is in a relationship, and the comment I replied to above said the long hair dude wouldn't be the endgame, that's actually pretty disappointing. It as if they treat their partners as trial or only as a temporary stop.
Feel free to correct me or add to my comment since I don't read the story at all. I just got a slight idea since I follow the author on Twitter but it is Japanese so I just read pictures (and some of the people's comments here)

Just want to correct you that the one who is already married isn't straight, he was the who confessed to mc in high school and got rejected and since then he thought mc is straight and lost hope.
but mc got late realization to his actual feelings and sexuality well into adulthood and by then the friend is already marrying another girl. the long haired guy is unfortunately his rebound guy
As long as I love re encounter anyone spoil me if long hair is endgame? I like mc and 1st love but long hair got me whipped