This comment is like 95% from a source.
Like 5% is from Safety Advocate.
It is a clear message. If you don’t understand it you either trolling or a non-English speaker who is just starting to learn English.
Just wanted to make it clear bc an insult and how it was specifically aimed at SA with an over exaggerated about SA. It is just sus.
If it is only from seeing this comment. They can’t claim that. But making us sound confusing is a common narrative of the cyberstalkers/ bullies.
If that is them, they tried to harm SA before any interaction when SA is clear. So seeking another fight to degrade us and make us look like the villain when we are the target of the villains.
I love how they give themselves away from the
insults they use while trying to pretend they are new. “New” people are brought in to have more “numbers”.

You are now blocked. Stop self-projecting. You are a bully. You are toxic.
where go get that job because everything you are saying is about you.
http://www.indeed.com Learn how to talk to people.

Btw where do I call you a cyberstalker? Are you one of the ones behind the impersonations that is harassing him. You overreaction to this. It had nothing to do with you not unless you are cyberstalker him.
That was telling of you. I don't even think they talked about you or considered you as one of the cyberstalkers. What is wrong with you?

Trolling refers to posting inflammatory or offensive comments with the intention of provoking emotional reactions. Trolls often act in disruptive ways online, but their purpose may not always be clear1.
Trolls typically engage in short-term behavior and may not target specific individuals for extended periods.
Cyberstalking, on the other hand, entails persistent surveillance, monitoring, or harassment of individuals online. It goes beyond trolling and can cause significant distress to the victim.
Cyberstalkers may use various tactics, including impersonation, spreading false information, and attempting to isolate the victim.

I understand there’s been some confusion, so I wanted to clarify a few things. The individuals causing these issues are not merely trolling; their actions are much more serious. They’re engaged in cyberstalking and identity theft, which involves much more harmful behavior than simple trolling.
Here’s why they might be pretending to be trolls:
Downplay the Severity: By framing their actions as trolling, they’re trying to make their behavior seem less serious than it actually is. Trolling is often seen as a minor annoyance, while cyberstalking and identity theft are criminal offenses.
Confuse and Distract: Their aim is to create confusion and distract from the real issue. This tactic can make it harder for us to address their actions and seek appropriate help.
Undermine Credibility: By labeling their actions as trolling, they try to create a false narrative that we’re overreacting. This can undermine the legitimacy of our concerns and make it harder to be taken seriously.
Avoid Consequences: Pretending to be trolls helps them avoid the serious consequences associated with their actual behavior. Trolling is often seen as less harmful compared to the crimes they’re committing.
Provoke Reactions: Their goal might be to provoke an emotional response from us, which they can use to further manipulate or harass.
I hope this helps clarify the situation. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out.

Warning others about cyberstalkers is not the same as "feeding the trolls." Feeding the trolls typically means engaging with people who are intentionally trying to provoke or upset you for their own amusement. Cyberstalkers, on the other hand, can be a serious threat, and informing others about their behavior is a responsible action aimed at protecting people.
When you warn others about cyberstalkers, it's important to focus on sharing information that helps them stay safe and not to engage in public confrontations or personal attacks. Providing clear, factual warnings can help others recognize and avoid potential threats without giving the stalkers the attention they might be seeking.
Lesson 1 what a troll and cyberstalker is. The cyberstalkers who are harassing us here pretend to be trolls or they don't know the difference.
In academic literature, trolling refers to acting in deceptive, disruptive, and destructive ways in internet social settings with no apparent purpose. On the other hand, cyberstalking involves using the internet to repeatedly target a specific person (Check) in a way that causes them distress or fear (they wished), reflecting descriptions of offline stalking. Let me elaborate further:
Definition: Trolling typically involves engaging in online behavior that is intentionally provocative, inflammatory, or disruptive. Trolls often post offensive or controversial content to provoke emotional reactions from others.
Purpose: Unlike cyberstalkers, trolls don’t necessarily have a specific target or purpose. (Unlike here) Their actions may not be directed at any particular individual but are meant to create chaos, annoyance, or amusement. (unlike here)
Examples: Trolls might leave offensive comments on social media posts, derail discussions, or deliberately spread misinformation. (hmm)
Definition: Cyberstalking specifically targets an individual (Check). It involves persistent and harmful behavior directed at someone online. (check) Cyberstalkers may use various online platforms (social media, email, etc.) to harass (check) or intimidate (check) their victim.
Purpose: Unlike trolls, cyberstalkers have a clear target (MD, oh where is MD. You are MD, You are MD. Check). They may be motivated by personal vendettas (check), obsession (OMG check), revenge (check), or a desire to control (check) or harm the victim(check).
Examples: Cyberstalking behaviors include tracking someone’s online activity (check), spreading false rumors (check), or creating fake profiles to harass the victim (CHECK CHECK CHECK)
They are not trolls. They are cyberstalkers. When you know they are cyberstalkers or trolls, they don't get to you and they pretend to get us because they is what they desire and they believe they get from twisting our replies. They have failed. They are going nowhere. They keep claiming to be trolls and when you know what trolling means you are not effected by them because they are saying they are hurting and have miserable lives or sadistic.
Why are they pretending to be trolls....
There could be several reasons why cyberstalkers pretend to be trolls:
Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a possibility. By pretending to be trolls, they may try to make you doubt your own perception of reality.
Avoiding Detection: Genuine trolls might block you and move on quickly. Cyberstalkers, however, want to maintain access to you. By pretending to be trolls, they can continue their harassment without being blocked.
Maintaining Control: Cyberstalkers often seek control over their victims. By pretending to be trolls, they can manipulate your emotions and reactions, keeping you engaged and vulnerable.
They are wasting their time with people that understand what they are and what they are doing.