
Naiwalker May 1, 2024 1:41 am

How dumb can you be!?! Show yourself or don’t why drop hints if you’re afraid to tell him. Honestly it’s cruel what if he did want to move on and leaving crumbs of the memories of the man he loved and lost would be heartbreaking but not fessing up I’d be constantly doubting and hating myself for even comparing my dead love to someone similar not to mention anxious thinking I’m absolutely crazy. ANDDD knowing how bad it things got when you involved yourself with the 2nd ml. If you’re gonna pretend to be ignorant then ACT IGNORANT. What’s acting like your usual self going to do in front of the black haired dude forgetting you’re not in your old body I wouldn’t be surprised by his short temper and lack of patience for a supposed stranger. Honestly dumb
