Is it just me?

Grey Goo May 1, 2024 12:13 am

Taehoon looked worse and worse physique wise as the story went on. His size was big and beefy in a cute way in the beginning, and him not being a small guy, above average even, really showed just how MASSIVE Leopoldo is… but as the story continued, Taehoon just kept getting wider and wider, his proportions changed and not in a good way, they didn’t match his face. His physique started to resemble Leopold’s, only being shorter.

This is very nitpciky considering the myriad of other issues the story was plagued with writing wise (that I won’t go into here, maybe later with a series retrospective), but it always bothered me. Taehoon looked way better in earlier chapters when he was beefy but still soft, but that’s just my opinion/preference.
