1. They are not related yall 😭 2. Using the term grooming so loosely is quite tone deaf...

Okami_Senpai April 30, 2024 10:32 pm

1. They are not related yall 2. Using the term grooming so loosely is quite tone deaf. I’m sorry but I’ve been groomed and SA’d and their relationship wasn’t grooming. Grooming is all about intent and it’s planned, if naru was grooming him he would’ve started going after him romantically or sexually as soon as he reached the legal age. Naru visiting him ONCE a year and treating him kindly, is NOT grooming. He would’ve met with him way more often and love bombed him and a bunch of other stuff if he was grooming him to be a lover. So please stop using the term grooming so loosely it’s problematic and as a victim it really make me angry seeing yall mislabeling grooming. Grooming is with intent and purpose, that isn’t what Naru was doing so it’s not grooming.

    sisi May 2, 2024 8:47 am

    Grooming does not have to be intentional
    Their relationship is a result of grooming plus its an inappropriate relationship

    Okami_Senpai May 2, 2024 9:15 am
    Grooming does not have to be intentional Their relationship is a result of grooming plus its an inappropriate relationship sisi

    Grooming does have to be intentional.. so no… it’s not a result of grooming… ur bold trying to tell a grooming victim what grooming is esp when ur stating it with bs like “it doesn’t have to be intentional” mf what is grooming to you then??? Grooming is intentionally and purposefully TRAINING them to become the perfect victim. “the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization” “the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity” like are you dumb?? Genuinely??

    Okami_Senpai May 2, 2024 9:18 am
    Grooming does not have to be intentional Their relationship is a result of grooming plus its an inappropriate relationship sisi

    Read that the definition says “ with the INTENTION” if ur gonna say smth stupid at least make it believable. I can not believe you actually said it doesn’t have to have intention when that’s exactly what grooming is. When grooming someone you have to have the intent to “train” them or “raise” them to be the perfect victim, you have to “PLAN” it out. Therefore it is always done with intent. It is always intentional. Saying otherwise undermines victims and actually harms us. Stop misrepresenting grooming. You’re just sitting here spreading false information that ends up harming victims because you’re too busy trying to virtue signal.

    Okami_Senpai May 2, 2024 9:53 am

    Omg they actually made me so angry with that atrocious take. You can’t accidentally groom someone, grooming is not “I met you once a year as you grew up and was nice to you and you ended up liking me! Weird! But hey I think I might like you too these past weeks of hanging have been a nice change!” Grooming is “I manipulated my way into your life to isolate you and make you depend on me and me alone, I’m going to make it so that you only have me to rely on and when I finally have you in my clutches I’m going to do terrible things to you because I know you’ll never be able to tell anyone.” And usually once a groomer has a their “perfect victim” they start abusing them instantly, sometimes they wait until said victim reaches legal age and they start “dating” or entering a sexual relationship instantly. And when I say instantly I mean once the clock hits 12 and it’s finally their 18th birthday. But meeting someone once a year, being nice to them is not grooming. Groomers would never spend that much time away from their victims in case they lose their hold on them. Again, I am a victim of grooming and SA, I have dedicated almost 10 years, studying grooming, learning everything I can about it so that it never happens to me again. And the AUDACITY to spread the BS they tried with me?? Oh I am LIVID. I hate people who pretend to care about victims and then go around and do things that HARM victims. They’re to busy virtue signaling pretending to be a good person that they don’t realize they’re misinformation harms us victims rather than helps us. STOP USING THE TERM GROOMING SO LOOSELY ALL YALL ARE DOING IS MISINFORMING PEOPLE ON WHAT GROOMING IS AND THATS BAD FOR VICTIMS!!!

    sisi May 2, 2024 10:06 am
    Omg they actually made me so angry with that atrocious take. You can’t accidentally groom someone, grooming is not “I met you once a year as you grew up and was nice to you and you ended up liking me! Weird... Okami_Senpai

    Bitch I am the victim u r literally full of shi
    U are not a spokesperson for grooming

    sisi May 2, 2024 10:11 am

    At the end of the day the relationship was INAPPROPRIATE idgaf if it was grooming or not if u enjoyed the story good for u
    your the type of person who enjoys rape stories and stories involving huge age gaps or assault of course you did like the story but thats not my business

    sisi May 2, 2024 10:13 am
    Omg they actually made me so angry with that atrocious take. You can’t accidentally groom someone, grooming is not “I met you once a year as you grew up and was nice to you and you ended up liking me! Weird... Okami_Senpai

    Also stop assuming uk wat ppl been through tf ur gonna be shocked when u realize that all victims don't react the same or share the same opinions

    Okami_Senpai May 2, 2024 10:26 am
    Also stop assuming uk wat ppl been through tf ur gonna be shocked when u realize that all victims don't react the same or share the same opinions sisi

    Your ignorance to what grooming is and how it happens and your virtue signaling whilst using the terms wrong is an issue and I detest it!! Grooming is intentional. You say you’re a victim but ur actually okay with spewing dumb shit like “it’s not always intentional” when grooming is ALWAYS intentional. So I’m not inclined to trust someone like you. Also I actually don’t enjoy rape stories, and I don’t mind age gaps as long as there’s no grooming or creepy stuff involved. Which there rlly isn’t in here so

    Okami_Senpai May 2, 2024 10:31 am

    This person is so fcking stupid how are you gonna misrepresent what grooming is and tell me I don’t know shit when you’re the one who said stupid shit like “grooming isn’t always intentional” like are you actually fcking stupid? Did you get dropped as a child? Like that’s a new lvl of dumb omg.

    KNS May 26, 2024 2:25 pm
    Grooming does not have to be intentional Their relationship is a result of grooming plus its an inappropriate relationship sisi

    You can't unintentionally groom someone.

    Okami_Senpai May 26, 2024 11:24 pm
    You can't unintentionally groom someone. KNS

    They’re an idiot no use trying to talk sense into them. They’re just gonna continue spreading that harmful narrative bc they’re too busy virtue signaling to care ab how it might affect victims of grooming

    †ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈). June 26, 2024 8:14 am

    Its true this is not grooming.. its really far off the topic for sum reader to point that out. More like i think the dude got a thing for his ded bro.