weak fujoshi mindset

tojiscockwarmer April 30, 2024 9:59 am

'any meal that is bestowed upon thee, shall be consumed with gratitude', as our forefujoshis spoke decades ago. Drop this weak mindset my brethren and enjoy the gay sex

    Konpeko~ May 4, 2024 5:04 am

    But in this era of so much fujoshi content, you can now afford to be picky. If the author spends 2 chapters as setup for some weak "content", you'd best believe we will criticize the buildup and the climax.

    WishingStarz May 6, 2024 9:07 pm


    WishingStarz May 6, 2024 9:11 pm
    But in this era of so much fujoshi content, you can now afford to be picky. If the author spends 2 chapters as setup for some weak "content", you'd best believe we will criticize the buildup and the climax. Konpeko~

    Yeah but also, you got to remember a lot of Yaoi is manga from Japan which is an island with very minimal culture diversity so it's not surprising that they are staying in their stereotypes. Especially since their publication companies are writing stories towards Japanese women and unfortunately they. . . how do I say... Have different ideas of what is considered romantic for their stories. I think a lot of people forget that these were originally published for Japanese audience not for people who are pirating.
    Don't get me wrong, being able to read translated works benefits and multiple different ways even if it wasn't a official translation. However most companies that do bring official translations pick the stories because they know the audience that will like it. So at this point it just feels like people are beating a dead horse and not understanding that the horse is dead.

    WishingStarz May 6, 2024 9:14 pm
    Yeah but also, you got to remember a lot of Yaoi is manga from Japan which is an island with very minimal culture diversity so it's not surprising that they are staying in their stereotypes. Especially since th... WishingStarz

    * clarify what I mean about official translations is that the people that like it will actually buy it and the people that don't won't.

    Konpeko~ May 7, 2024 1:58 am
    * clarify what I mean about official translations is that the people that like it will actually buy it and the people that don't won't. WishingStarz

    Ehh, if there's a Chinese manhua that's not good, I can say that it's not good. The same should also apply to Japanese manga. Yes, they don't have much "cultural diversity", but you can still acknowledge when something is bad.
    It's like looking at a bad Chinese novel with bad tropes about women and just saying "well, China is a country with a very male dominated and misogynistic mindset, this just isn't for you!" That can be true, and it can also be bad. Both can be true at once.

    Konpeko~ May 7, 2024 2:01 am
    Ehh, if there's a Chinese manhua that's not good, I can say that it's not good. The same should also apply to Japanese manga. Yes, they don't have much "cultural diversity", but you can still acknowledge when... Konpeko~

    And there is most definitely a movement in Japan to have more people understand the LGBTQ community as well, it's just a matter of people seeking out sources about these people that they are writing about.

    But, even if this isn't meant to be a deep dive or understanding of actual LGBTQ people, the smut is just not good either. The buildup was long, and the few pages that we got are meh. Don't get me wrong, the art is gorgeous! I absolutely love the art and would love to see more of the artists works. It's just the presentation of the smut itself that leaves more to be desires.

    Konpeko~ May 7, 2024 2:05 am
    Ehh, if there's a Chinese manhua that's not good, I can say that it's not good. The same should also apply to Japanese manga. Yes, they don't have much "cultural diversity", but you can still acknowledge when... Konpeko~

    Also, I don't mean bad as in morally bad, I mean bad as in storytelling. I don't gaf about the problematic presentation in a one off story like this, it's just what's expected.