SAME!! Not only cohesive costuming, but when they clearly take inspiration from specific time periods and/or cultures to make it work better... it makes me so happy.
A Stepmother's Marchen & The Secret Lady give a slight more of a fantasy vibe but are clearly inspired by a certain time period, and I genuinely love it so much (I've had both series on hiatus for a while now so I def need to catch up). I Will Change The Genre/The Villainess Flips The Script is also one of my favourites by following a rule that most historical manwhas don't: the fact that most of the time, ladies keep their hair up/tied, only letting it down when they're sleeping (or some other specified event), at least for the most part. It's something I noticed early on and it's a detail I really adore.
Though my favourite for costuming and hairstyles has to be I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life/I Shall Master This Family... Italian renessaince dresses and outfits are so pretty and the art does it so much justice, and the fact that we also get to see the men wear clothing from the same time period (compared tot he usual generic historical fantasy outfits we get for them) is just *chef's kiss*
I'm genuinely so happy to see another series use the time period as inspiration/base for the setting.
Sorry to go off a bit, I'm always so excited to find someone else who appreciates/gets happy about these kinds of things lol ( ̄∇ ̄")

YESSSSS OMGGG truth be told im so effin sick of insane anachronistic costumings LIKEEE idgaf about historical accuracy but at least make them not insanely so different cause wym one is in a backless sleek ralph lauren dress and the other girls are in robe de cour inspired outfit HORRENDOUS i say!!! i like secret lady and stepmothers marchens too but im biased with italian/florentine renaissance (i watch too many borgias/medici shows) so ill be the matriarch this time takes the spot for me!!
add the lord and theyd form the dumb triad the only serious character so far is just ML with a mystery to his background and being caught in a conspiracy hahaha. anyway i didnt expect to be enjoying this so much AND find a unified period costuming. all the italian renaissance dresses MC and her lady wears are so pretty im being indulged with these idk cohesive costuming in webtoon gives me a serotonin surge lmao