I've always viewed it as a way to place a societal spin on the concept of a "woman in a man's world" by giving men the ability to give birth and all the "inconveniences" and blame that comes with just existing as a birthing person. I also find it telling that they give more precedence to those who have a penis and come from well established bloodlines.
But that's Japan's version. The Korean version is much more palatable and gives Omegas more status.

Well people devalue mtf because they can't give birth, which is silly because that is not the only purpose of women, and people say oh it's such a shame they want to be a man to people who are ftm because now they can't be a woman that gives birth. Some ftm still choose to give birth though if they can. People always leave out ftm people for some reason.
Women and trans people need to stick together. Marginalised people need to be kind to each other or we're never going to win. We're literal fujoshis, we have no leg to stand on here.

But isnt the reasoning behind mtf transition literally trying to experience traditionally female aspects of life which itself leads to strengthening of stereotypes about men and women? Cant people enjoy what they like to do staying the way they are? Its okay if u dont want to answer me anymore, i just want people to understand that transitioning isnt solving problems the way u think it is

so are you cis ? "transitioning isnt solving problems" do you not get that transitioning doesnt take away our unique trans world view and broadened views on gender/queerness/sexuality by ways of being trans and that there are a million ways to transition to how you would like to present but i'm assuming you think we all want to look a certain way and fit into a certain mould.
too bad that trans people are a diverse community and to transition means feeling good in ones body/peace in ones mind. sorry you could not understand that and try to patronise me

Yes, i am. By broadening ur views do you mean just creating new labels to put on people, instead of trying to understand why they really want to escape reality by making up some random words and pronouns? How can you even determine that ur feeling non binary for example? Does that mean you dont want to fit into stereotypes created by society? Then maybe we should just abandond them entirely instead of going around and choosing which ones suit u and which dont. And about feeling good in body, that is also achieved by thorough examination of ur thoughts about ur body image, and how it represents u. Theres no "feeling oneself female or male" , cuz we are literally just people with human brain, and by changing ur appearance u won't change ur mind. I don't feel myself like a woman, i am a woman because i was born this way and evolution decided that we have to have two sexes. I know that u will bring up intersex people, but their existence is literally exeption that proves the rule, they also have all kind of problems by birth, which means that their mutation is always accompanied by different illnesses. It doesnt mean that we should ostracize them, but it also doesnt mean that its a healthy option

Whatever they re going through isnt going to be fixed by transition cuz thats just switching between two different lists of stereotypes, and if ur talking about feeling urself in the wrong body, then this is also fixable without trying to change ur physical apperance, thats just symptomatic treatment that wont solve the core problem laying within. I read a lot about reasons of trans people, and they all come to just feeling different and alienated in their social groups, so instead of changing the society and their prejudices they decided to just change themselves to comply with its requests. And im talking about both trans men and women, if u mean me mistaking op for trans woman then i already apologized for it
as a trans person im so proud to see this story exemplifing how omegaverse can be used brillantly to showcase the gap between sex and gender, and how it can be used as commentary because of that. this manga makes omegaverse feel fresh because to me instead of just seeing it as ironic that men are talking about women's struggles in reality, i also see it as a dystopian reality for me; what if i could pass as a man but my partners built in societal bias still equates me to a woman and the abject misogyny that comes with viewing women as merely a body to conceive future generations ? omegaverse is a unique world that can put on spotlight how feminism has always been interconnected with transgender rights/freedom, because both of our communities not only intersect but understand each other.
sorry if this is not written out well