linchet April 29, 2024 6:07 pm

i see soo many comments hating on Maeda which i feel is uncalled for! this kinda stems from the unnecessary villianizing of women in mlm content but she honestly was just acting like a normal person who was in love with someone?? i see people saying "oh shes horrible because she asked Nao for help setting her up with Haruna while she knew his feelings!" wouldnt you feign even the smallest ignorance if you felt you had a slight chance in getting together with your love? especially if you knew you had little chance in the first place? just cause you readers are reading for the main couple doesnt mean yall should paint other characters in a bad light, that in most cases is women

    Binx May 11, 2024 12:16 pm

    Agreed. Ole girl shot her shot I ain't mad about that. At least she had the guts to try. Even if their was an inkling that two main leads liked each other it wasn't like their was a confirmation that those two were dating. Was she supposed to just move aside because those were giving side glances. And in the end she reflected and moved on. She didn't try to drag out drama or come between them once they got together. All in all this was a solid 10/10 read.

    linchet May 11, 2024 12:34 pm
    Agreed. Ole girl shot her shot I ain't mad about that. At least she had the guts to try. Even if their was an inkling that two main leads liked each other it wasn't like their was a confirmation that those two... Binx