He needs to let go, so they can BOTH be happy

Lady hatake April 29, 2024 3:00 pm

Foolish hypocrite NEVER tried to pull her OUT of the safety bubble that others put her in. Or tried to spare her, by helping her see the truth. But he's more than happy to punish her for the choices OTHERS made FOR her. They ALL (including himself) blinded her to keep her from seeing the ugliness of the world, & when she made attempts to SEE what she wasn't allowed to know. They only tightened the blindfold they kept around her eyes, & covered her ears & mouth even more.

This asshole NEEDED her to be kept clueless & naive. So that he could make HIMSELF feel better about the cruel things he was doing to a person he KNEW was harmless, & not feel guilty about it (including approaching her with bad intention & lies, fooling her & using her love for him, to be able to kill the people she cared about & making her suffer).

The idiot can't torture the people that hurt him anymore, so he will direct his full ire & hate at their only family member remaining, his OWN WIFE.
He convinced himself that because SHE selfishly "chose" to remain in her blissful & safe *bubble, she now deserves to be in perpetual pain
(*the same make-believe world, that HE CHOSE TO LEAVE HER IN to justify his own selfish needs).

I get why everyone hates ML, I do too. As a child, he was tortured, raped, humiliated, & treated like trash for YEARS, by the people that he sees as "HER" people. But he can't use HIS traumatic past, to justify ruining HER past, present & future.
He's the asshole for not wanting to accept that SHE'S being used too, by HIM & everyone else. Instead of letting her go, in order for BOTH of them to live a life with SOME resemblance of "happiness ". He CHOOSES to continue torturing himself, his wife, & sacrificing his child, despite having gotten his revenge already.

Dumbass can't accept that he LOVES HER, because he would have to admit that HIS actions against the women he loves, are sinfully EVIL. Or that he has already turned, into the same EVIL people that he hates. He can't understand WHEN she "changed" or WHY, because he REFUSE TO ACCEPT that the merciless pain that he inflicted on her, was UNJUSTIFIABLE.
