I was a little angry when I commented and didn't remember the rape, either way the adult sexually exploited the boy. I really have no sympathy for him and you can think what you want about me. I was sexually abused when I was a child and harassed when I was a teenager, and if I could, I would make those people go through the same thing and know my pain. I don't give a damn about your opinion. Thank you.

/I don't give a damn about your opinion/ while not giving one by writing a decently lengthy one sentence paragraph. Totally makes sense (sarcasm); also, you're free to not care about my opinion while not being a douchebag, especially on a comment section where freedom of speech is allowed. Both the characters are trash. The Seme, is an obsessive psychopath and rapist
Don't play with high schoolers. He deserves all that for grooming a kid that was alone. He knew that boy didn't have anyone around him to protect him and took advantage of it. I don't want this character to be happy but I do want our little psychopath to be happy, I hope he leaves that bastard and tries to have a good life.