I don't believe him that he didn't have his memory till the battle. He already lied about the timing of when he got them back, the first time he said it was after Dietrich died to convince her he didn't do it on purpose. It's a weird "coincidence" that he happened to show up where Rein was when that guy tried to rape her as she was leaving when he happens to be a regressor too. One that was obsessed with her.
Remember how Rein had her memories the instant she regressed?

I don't really remember but I think MC wasn't sent to the snowy mountains in her first life. Only as a punishment in he's second because she stabbed the prince.
Ml also said that he got he's memories bit by bit and not instantly (could've been a lie idk). I think them meeting was because of the dragon, that aloud them reincarnate.
Younger Ml didn't really show signs of having memories of the past (if my memories are right). I do think it's true that got them in the battle or while at the battle. He did knew how to fight tho...

"I think MC wasn't sent to the snowy mountains in her first life. Only as a punishment in he's second because she stabbed the prince."
That's right, but I was taking that into account when I said that. My thinking is that he had his memories and was basically his grown self in his younger body. Being obsessed with her and having the thinking ability of a grown man, he probably went and found her
"Younger Ml didn't really show signs of having memories of the past (if my memories are right)."
I think him being in love with her that early is evidence. It's played off like he *fell* in love with her then, but that's before the reveal that he's a regressor. At the time it looks like he just falls in love with her, but in hindsight it's suspicious. That young boy fell in love with his mother figure, at that age? -_-
People, can't u understand that trauma doesn't disappear easily, plus imagine something who never received love but only suffering, get isekai and get back his memory of trauma and experience of his past life...he gonna be the same with the same fear ...in the case where he got for the first time the taste of happiness. Of course he gonna do crazy things to keep his happiness because he actually becomes what he was with just more knowledge, that why I can't considered Wilhelm really responsible of his actions , he was use , neglected and not very sane in the first place. And the FL knew that why she was so scared that he was the real colony. For me The FL is more a problem than him because she knew but decided to use someone like that for her revenge, he did showed how possessive he was when he was young...she just decided to not pay attention to that...and she decides to return his love only because she felt bad for him , it isn't even true love just a reward to not feel bad... don't use insane people in the first place...she probably isn't sane too to do this