I Find it Crazy..

Fallynn April 29, 2024 1:33 am

That people still don't believe in positive change for people. People in general can be wrong about several things in life; they can make mistakes. These mistakes can lead them and the people around them into heartbreaking and stressful situations. Regardless, if the people around them forgive them, they can make positive changes and positive choices from the moment they realize they were wrong. You can't change what's been done, but you can correct and be better. That is what the father is doing. Not wanting him to have a happy end of his own because of mistakes and bad choices he made that are in the past and can't be fixed is a bit wild to me. Any forgiveness he would have to beg for would come from his kids, and out of all 3 of them none of them are picking a bone with him. I put all my money on it that if even one of his children heard y'all say he didn't deserve to be happily with the teacher because of the way he had acted previously and the choices he had made previously you would be met with pure disdain. Some of y'all are beyond a little critical. Lol

    Elxa Dal April 29, 2024 7:17 am

    I feel like those people are just too immature. There are a lot of older people in the real world that lived their lives as they were told, and the way of thinking in their youths was a lot different than today's. And some of them are trying to patch things out. The mistakes can't be undone, but we can reflect, forgive and move on.

    Fallynn April 29, 2024 5:53 pm
    I feel like those people are just too immature. There are a lot of older people in the real world that lived their lives as they were told, and the way of thinking in their youths was a lot different than today... Elxa Dal

    Exactly! My father has said things to me and treated me in a way I used to cry about when I was younger. He has learned in the last few years that he was wrong, and mistakes were made and he is trying to be better to me. He got married recently and even had another child, (my little sister) and the way he treats her is amazing! I can see the change, and even though I can't forgive him for everything, I still want him happy. I want my little sister happy. Point blank period.

    aerslevdi May 25, 2024 4:14 am

    But the issue is the character is never fully developed for people to see change. Whether you like it or not, this is a story and what people see is important. And so far this guy did absolutely nothing other than resume a relationship after he did his deed. He never really apologised to Akira or admitted his wrongdoings. It's like he did nothing but be a source of conflict and now gets to leave his happy life? It does seem like there's no bad blood between him, Sougo, Eiko and Akira. And I understand this is not the theme of the series and is supposed to be fluffy and cute and not dwell on the drama. But what he did was hurtful. And even worst, he tried imposing ideas that hurt the person he was oh so in love with onto his son. Up until that point, the son he had in fron of him was not a person but a breeding machine. He was continuing the cycles. He saw Shouts in the hospital because he wanted to check his genes. Glossing over that because he saw his crush did nothing for his character.

    Fallynn May 25, 2024 11:44 am
    But the issue is the character is never fully developed for people to see change. Whether you like it or not, this is a story and what people see is important. And so far this guy did absolutely nothing other t... aerslevdi

    Nowhere did I say he didn't do anything hurtful. Speaking my thoughts, children when raised a certain way will grow up how they are raised whether they are taught right or wrong. The father grew up under is parents learning the beliefs he did and adhering to them so much so that he missed out on his true love the first time. If you abide by something as it was pressed on you, you think to do the same to your children.

    They are people with money surround by other people with money all pushing the same narrative. It isn't until his daughter and then his son start going against the grain that he has to accept that there are different alternatives to the ones he is program with. Let's see this for what it is, for high soceity his attitude is the norm of many. For people in his world he isn't doing anything wrong.

    We as story readers can empathize and be upset because in the real world sex for breeding purposes is crazy especially since majority of us like monogamy, but we aren't held by the characteristics of their world or their high society or our views maybe different. His children WANTED something different. They didn't want people to just see them as good genes to get ahold of. They wanted something different then what their father preached and they stood their ground and got it, and he obviously had and voiced his opinions, but he left it alone when he saw it wasnt all bad.

    His character development is definitely there, it might not be as intricate as you want it, but it's there just not in the form of a verbal apology. He left his son and lover alone once he knew they were in it for life, he no longer pushes the breeding narrative or says hurtful things, he dotes on his grandsons, he is still willing to let his son inherit the business, he helped his son set up the daycare in the hospital. Apologies with no actions can't even be considered an apology. Also if it was something his kids wanted to hear they would say that. His kids are outspoken enough.

    I said all of that to say, if y'all people wanna be mad, y'all do that. Lol But saying he doesn't deserve the happiness he found is wild when y'all are in your feelings while the people around him have already forgiven him and you couldn't convince me that they haven't. I respect your thoughts though~

    aerslevdi May 25, 2024 6:43 pm
    Nowhere did I say he didn't do anything hurtful. Speaking my thoughts, children when raised a certain way will grow up how they are raised whether they are taught right or wrong. The father grew up under is par... Fallynn

    You talk about children raised a certain way, but Alex parent was able to recognise that way of living may not be suitable for his child. There's no excuse for that. And just like I never said about you saying he didn't do anything hurtful I also didn't say he didn't deserve to be happy. I'm sure he does. He was also the victim of people imposing their beliefs on him. But he didn't left Sougo and Akira alone once he knew they were in it for life. He knew that before, that's why he tried to make Akira waver. And then he focused on something else. Eiko and her partner don't count because his father had laser focus on Sougo and making him continue "his duty". In the end it just seems he doesn't push the deal because he's with the teacher. Not because there was any change of heart. Even his actions are done in front of the teacher. And I get it. I'm probably reading too much into it. But given the development of practically all the other characters even when they were background characters without much impact in the life of the main couple, his development seems superficial and doesn't help in clearing his image, so his story is not very enjoyable and I would rather see the other couples if they are not going to develop him further

    Fallynn May 26, 2024 3:21 am
    You talk about children raised a certain way, but Alex parent was able to recognise that way of living may not be suitable for his child. There's no excuse for that. And just like I never said about you saying ... aerslevdi

    Sooo, apparently we read the same thing, but took two different things from it . The father DID in fact leave them alone when he find out they were serious. He met Akira first to tell him to separate from Sougo per his thoughts. Then he met with Sougo and also told him to stick to the old ways per his thoughts, to which Sougo gave him the proposal having to do with the daycare and you start to see him waiver. Lastly he goes to see both of them again with the last of his opinions and is left smiling and acknowledging them after their short, but serious conversation that there are alternatives ways to live.

    Right before he leaves he tells Sougo he approves the proposal. There were smiles all around before he even left their home, and then right after that he realizes his old flame is the daycare teacher. Now you can say all you want, "Well that's too many times to voice his opinion. He could have left them alone altogether." But no parent concerned with the future of their family is not gonna say anything, and he thought his way was the right way. After that there was no contention.

    Also Alex's parents recognizing times have change is great and all, but the fact that they do is progressive, meaning it still is not the norm for their high society. It just means that recently people are less likely to look at them crazy because they are not spreading their seed around.

    Anyways, enjoy whatever characters/character couples you please for the reasons that suit you. Its not my job and wasnt my intention to tell you how feel about the father. My only point of the original post was to point out just because you make mistakes you can't take back doesn't mean you can't be better going foward and also be deserving of happiness. That's it. Thanks for the convo though.