truthfully im not totally against the romance due to personal reasons 1) the story will be *extended* due to subplots and i love that for me lmao i love this book sm 2) at some point the kids are gonna grow up (hopefully the book covers that) and they're gonna have their own thing=lives which means they're not always gonna be together with our best girl so giving her a romance could be the next best thing to do for her character after of course the main plot which is something that concerns the current emperor. and by "next best thing for her character" i mean im interested to see how shes gonna be able to navigate her emotions with a romance taking place cus it seems like shes never really fallen in love before lol granted the thing she has with the emperor isnt explored yet but the impression im getting from it is like it's just infatuation at best, if not a strict business like relationship..
i may not be against the romance but i prefer it to appear much later that it doesn't interfere with whats going on rn in the book bc everything is perfect rn i hope it focuses on the family side of the story more at least until they've fully grown up before any romance ( ̄∇ ̄")
The more I read the more I feel like she'd be happy just devoting all her energy and time to taking care of her children. Isn't she already in a difficult position as the consort? She also doesn't seem like she cares romantically for anybody pining after her. That changing better have a valid enough reason