My issues with this story

Starsandmetaphors February 4, 2017 1:12 am

Makoto isn't a cheater, but the problem is that he's a major hypocrite. He gets pissed at Ryu for fooling around when they're not even dating, but somehow it's okay for Makoto to sleep around? Uhh, like what? Hypocrite much? And then he has the nerve to tell Ryu that he likes him, but then does nothing to prove it and simply continues sleeping with people. Therefore showing zero intention of wanting to start a relationship with Ryu despite saying he likes the guy.

    Anonymous June 26, 2017 1:06 pm

    That's what pissed me off the whole time. Like why is makoto allowed but ryou isn't? I mean I don't like people sleeping around but if you want to confess you like someone you should at least chnge your actions. I would have really liked ryou x nanna

    Maltafenien September 3, 2017 4:00 pm

    Ryou was just as much of a hypocrite tho. He didn't even talk to Makoto about anything before falling into bed with Nanno. Granted, he wasn't obligated to, but then neither was Makoto. If Makoto hadn't had the confidence/courage to share his feelings, despite the mess, it wouldn't have gone anywhere because Ryou had such a passive attitude about everything.