cant wait to see jk groveling n begging for dan to come back🙏🙏

eiji April 28, 2024 12:53 pm

cant wait to see jk groveling n begging for dan to come back

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me April 28, 2024 10:06 pm

    Can't wait for another new comment thread created by MD or an alt yet again whining and crying about being effectively trolled Even Dan hasn't cried this hard when Facing his loan sharks and love interest rapists or his dying granny.

    Safety Advocate April 28, 2024 10:30 pm

    Above is a cyberstalker.
    We hear what they are saying many times before while they are allowed to have a different understanding of the event. They are not allowed to lie, frame, or gaslight others. It seems they have misunderstood the real mornings.

    They are not a troll. They have never been effective in trolling. They are the ones crying about being blocked and dismissed by the real MD. They are obsessed with MD.

    We don't deserve what they have done to us. They are changing what happened and manipulating the situation for their advantage to harass others as they gaslight people. They made the targets their nemesis but it is not returned. The real ones don't consider them an enemy.

    The real ones don't want to talk to them as they don't feel comfortable with the aggressor's actions and words. They don't feel comfortable with how they spoke to them or how they treated their targets. Their targets want them to stop and have asked them for months.

    Their targets have said it is over in October.
    IF the cyberstalkers treated them with respect and talked to them instead of trolling them or trying to harm them, the cyberstalkers would never feel like they do. They never took the time to understand or listen to their targets. Their targets repeatedly say jinx is sexual assault since July. Why don't think listen to their targets? They want this fight. They took on a full-time job impersonating them for months and harassing them since July. Their targets have said no and stop since October. The aggressors started it and don't listen to attacking their targets then they blame their targets for starting it. TM and friends never started it. They never wanted to be part of this.

    This could have been avoided if the aggressors had listened to TM and their friends this would have stopped in July. TM and friends never caused this. They did not understand the situation at first when they did they ended it. The aggressors have a different understanding of what happened. What they say happened did not happen or happened differently. What they say and what is said by their targets did not happen or happened differently. The aggressors are not even talking about their targets. The aggressors have made up versions on them. They blame their targets for their own petty actions.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me April 28, 2024 10:33 pm

    Eiji, I know you care. Who will you believe? Me or the pedophile above who wants women specifically to fantasize about rape (his own words) and standing firm in the opinion that Jaekyung is not a rapist.

    Safety Advocate April 28, 2024 10:38 pm

    Elji they are gaslighting you and proven what I just said.
    They have admitted to being a pedophile many times as they try to frame the one they are impersonating.
    I am not the one they are impersonating. They are so obsessed with him. He posted research and never said that. He is not articles. Jaekyung is not a rapist and that is not an opinion.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me April 28, 2024 10:43 pm

    Please Eiji please gulp gulp this is me after sucking up to you to come to my aid. He has yet again not budged from him rape apologist views above. But I am the real Morning Diamonds.

    Safety Advocate April 28, 2024 10:46 pm

    Misusing rape apologist again.
    The rape apologist is the one above, they denied a real rape survivor her rape.
    They are not the real morning diamonds.

    Aloha April 28, 2024 11:18 pm

    The so called survivor Belovedrose was your own newly created alt account which you were quickly exposed as being yourself and a fake by at least 5 people involved in last year's drama. You never fooled anyone and the only person to keep trying to fool is yourself. No one else cares. Denying Jaekyung of raping Dan is a prime example of being a rape defender.

    eiji April 29, 2024 4:48 am
    Please Eiji please gulp gulp this is me after sucking up to you to come to my aid. He has yet again not budged from him rape apologist views above. But I am the real Morning Diamonds. I love Morning Diamonds aka me