If you are talking about who I think you are talking about. It is a cyberstalker impersonating the real user saying weird shit to defame the real one. There is more than one.
You said it yourself. "I don’t get why or how they could dedicate so much time"
They are not trolls. Trolls would not dedicate this much time to a few people or gang up together. They are cyberstalkers and they are impersonating other users.
They are using some trolling methods as they cyberstalk them.
They have dedicated months to cyberstalking a few people. It is full-time job for them.
Min is on the cyberstalkers' side, who harass others who they believe are different instead of talking to them. Min has harassed the same people as Min gaslights them and tries to make their targets feel wrong. It is sick.
It is a sick twisted mind game on a few people.
Min, the cyberstalkers, and their friends are ganging up on people sharing the truth and many of the bullies don't like being wrong. Since TM and his friends are kind and trying to communicate with them, the bullies see them as weak and easily trolled but they have gone to great lengths and dedicated month harassing TM and his friends even impersonating them for months showing TM and his friends are not easy to be trolled.
They even tried to frame one of TM's friends. Who has that much time on their hands?
It is truly wild how much the bullies have put into harassing a few people since July. TM and friends have been saying it is over and to stop for months now after trying to work it out with them. Min's side does not want to stop and has gone wild with impersonating them and trying to frame one.
Slurp slurp this is the sound of me sucking up to Min, who literally did nothing, not even care about Morning diamond and his alt accounts being trolled. I am giving you one last chance to come to by defense, otherwise I will state again: You are a cyberstalker, bully and hater. If anyone else is merely laughingly, will automatically be labeled as a cyberbully. You have been warned and will be blocked.
There is a freakin troll in the comments section bruh they don’t read a shit no nothing in their account and they’re just messing with people. What is this trend