wow... um dropping this one

Ashes April 27, 2024 7:53 am

I read the first chapter and was immediately ICKED.

So basically MC is confronted by her dad to make her marry into royalty. MC refuses then results in her dad hitting her. how old was she when this happened? FUCKING FOUR YEARS OLD!!! and maybe it's just modernistic of me, but a grown ass adult just put his hands on a child, a toddler even. HIS OWN DAUGHTER. And it's just completely overlooked; glazed over like that was okay. never brought up AT ALL.
After getting hit, MC just says cutely "oh i don't want to marry royalty because i want to marry you dad~!" LIKE WTF. maybe that's just her reaction to how she wants to survive in a new world, BUT STILL !!!! IT WAS OVERLOOKED THAT A GROWN MAN JUST PHSICALLY ABUSED A FOUR YEAR OLD CHILD. it was never brought up again, like abuse is okay????, and that just didn't make me feel the right way.

anyways that's why i dropped it. I'm sure the plot could've been cute if I kept on reading but it just doesn't sit right with me when things like physical, or verbal, abuse is seen as okay, or even in this case, just completely looked over and invisible.
