Mc makes me mad. He might be ND ok, but he's still playing with top's feelings like this m...

loveletters April 27, 2024 7:04 am

Mc makes me mad. He might be ND ok, but he's still playing with top's feelings like this much he can understandI think?? If you go with him on dates and act like acouple, he's gonna think you're dating tf

The top is so out of his league too

    whatevermans April 27, 2024 10:30 am

    yeah atp I would love to see Juheon dumping him instead, like ok go back to your terrific life with no wasted time on dating ( ̄へ ̄)

    crow April 27, 2024 11:55 am
    yeah atp I would love to see Juheon dumping him instead, like ok go back to your terrific life with no wasted time on dating ( ̄へ ̄) whatevermans

    Rather than saying Dohu s playing with Juheon's feelings, I'd say he unintentionally led him on. I am not excusing Dohu s actions but I think we need to have a more nuanced perspective on his behavior. From the start it was established that Dohu's thought process is not normal. Making someone a reference material is somehow normal but using yourself and/or someone to experience said references is not. From this we can say that Dohu lacks EQ and a lot of social cues.

    Saying he "played" with Juheon's feelings implies an intention to do so when we all know there's none of that intention based on how he processes his actions and behavior.

    whatevermans April 27, 2024 12:15 pm
    Rather than saying Dohu s playing with Juheon's feelings, I'd say he unintentionally led him on. I am not excusing Dohu s actions but I think we need to have a more nuanced perspective on his behavior. From the... crow

    ND people are not dumb, they learn missing social cues from movies, books and shit... considering Dohu is also a writer?.. sigh... I don't think his character is well written at all, ND or not. "unintentionally"... he is about to give him a dream date experience then tell him he used him just as a reference and a fuck buddy, I don't see anything unintentional. he knew about Juheon's feelings for him too.... sigh...... bro why are you defending him, do you have a habit of leading people on and then chickening out or smth....

    crow April 27, 2024 4:36 pm
    ND people are not dumb, they learn missing social cues from movies, books and shit... considering Dohu is also a writer?.. sigh... I don't think his character is well written at all, ND or not. "unintentionally... whatevermans

    bro im not even saying he's ND, lacking empathy and not knowing social cues is not equal to being ND. did yall even read the story, it was mentioned that Dohu's anti-social, what are people not getting about that lol. i am defending his character because he's the most interesting one here and his personality somehow captures what ASPD tendencies look like.

    crow April 27, 2024 4:46 pm
    ND people are not dumb, they learn missing social cues from movies, books and shit... considering Dohu is also a writer?.. sigh... I don't think his character is well written at all, ND or not. "unintentionally... whatevermans

    also, me giving my nuanced opinion about a fictional character is not equal to me having a habit of leading people on lol touch some grass and learn how to engage in proper discourse

    whatevermans April 27, 2024 5:39 pm
    bro im not even saying he's ND, lacking empathy and not knowing social cues is not equal to being ND. did yall even read the story, it was mentioned that Dohu's anti-social, what are people not getting about th... crow

    it's not equal to ASPD either, it is known that ASPD and ASD can often be confused with one another.
    It is me engaging in proper discourse, how I define it at least, as I need to know why the other person tries to defend something, and we always take sides according to our own life experiences.

    crow April 27, 2024 6:08 pm
    it's not equal to ASPD either, it is known that ASPD and ASD can often be confused with one another. It is me engaging in proper discourse, how I define it at least, as I need to know why the other person tries... whatevermans

    but it is more ASPD than ASD, also given that it was mentioned Dohu has anti-social tendencies while growing up. It was clearly established that he doesn't care about others and has a hard time learning/understanding emotions as seen in the chapter where he doesn't understand why people cry over emotional movies. It was even to the point that his teacher's reached out to his parents.

    You automatically equating my opinion to my real life habits is not proper literary discourse. I also would beg to disagree with your last statement about always taking sides based on life experiences. This view is very narrow. This is not how you should engage in discourse about fictional characters. Just because I find a character interesting and I gave a nuanced opinion about said character does not mean it's based on some kinda life experience lol