right?? the twins ngl are kinda un-fourlike
like me, at four, didn't know how to speak (I was a late 'bloomer' hahahahahaha)
and like, idk they're so cute I wanna squish their cheeks and stuff, but I can't imagine them being Taiyo's kids when he was just a kid a few chapters ago.
like alpha's got an entire I-don't-wanna-be-a-spy at age four that's insane- dude knows whats a spy and how to hack watches I mean I get he's yozakura, but there's got to be some uncertainty (but looking at kyoichiro... kyoichiro... hehe... ig it's not that weird???)
hifumi imo is more like a kid with her brother complex and her kind of stupid whims, like it's-cool-I-wanna-do-it-no-thought-on-safety.
but like when she gets all serious and kyoichiro (kyoichiro...) and futaba make her make uhhh 'big decisions' she is way too cool about it.
They cry, but like for the situation they're put in, adults would cry-
like bro alpha saw the future where everyone's dead and he's just sitting there with a smoothie. There was a semi-mental breakdown but he just springs right back up huh???
they're like perfect kids except perfect kids don't exist: look at kyoichiro- I mean look at MUTSUMI? She's literally a degenerate Taiyo simp through and through. Kyoichiro's an overgrown octopus stuck on everyone's heads simultaneously. Futaba's a tsuntsun, Shion is also a tsuntsun, Kengo is... Kengo, Nanao is a workaholic, Shinzo's a gun-pail hikikomori-
Taiyo is just perfect, and that's his problem. He's perfection in the midst of blackmail'able losers.
Alpha and Hifumi kind of... idk they don't... kirakira the yozakura.
idk how to say it.
they're like taiyo mutsumi kyoichiro futaba shion mushed into two cute kids with a side of izumo and and nanao.
(but I too want to swallow the series; literally looking at it makes me squeal ngl)
about the prophecy Hifumi found and their secret mission to defeat Asa before the adults.
"Twin buds of the eleventh spring. Their blossoms blot out the morning, bringing cherry blossoms to bloom". I dont necessarily think they'll defeat Asa on their own especially since they are literally 4 year olds that haven't even mastered their blooming yet and they're going against an opponent that their very powerful family had to specially train against, but rather I feel like their blooming is something that can perfect or enhance or help their family's blooming against Asa.
Or maybe their blooming is something that will significantly weaken Asa (aka morning) and help their family's true spring blooming.
I have something to say about how I dont like how it seems everything is being kind of handed to the twins (them being op and kind of already developed personalities despite being 4) but thats something ill comment on after I read more on later, which i am excited to do ♡(> ਊ <)♡ I love this series so much i wanna eat it