like, I would've loved seeing the twins story! as an extra after Taiyo's goal and character development is finished. Cause the way the manga shifted, it felt like Taiyo's story arc was left "unfinished", with more of his character development happening off screen during the time skip and thats really a shame because it feels like the character was suddenly disconnected from the audience.(hence why I feel like Taiyo pre and post timeskip feel like different characters TT (i hope you guys get that I do know characters who have undergone character development will definitely be different but TT i hope you guys get my points))
Am i the only one who doesn't like the abrupt timeskip and shift of focus? I know that the timeskip is needed pace wise cause the manga would be boring with literally 90% of the cast separated from each other but I really wish we saw more of Taiyo, our MC who has been the main focus for 180+ chapters, growing up (´ . . . `)
I actually had to take a break (last chapter I read was 186) from reading a bit cause I felt like I wasn't following the same Taiyo pre-timeskip yknow? I feel like the recent chapters centered around the twins feel more like a sequel to the pre-timeskip manga.
I wish we saw more of Taiyo being bad ass and accomplishing and gaining notoriety in the spy world.