actually while writing this story I wanted him to be a playboy and that it self is a cliche but his inner monologue so to speak is saying " i act like a spoiled rich brat because that's what people expect from someone with a silverspoon people want my status and money " and then upon falling in love he is actually being nice to the uke he does give blunt remarks with being honest but not in a mean way since he is going to be intelligent he can read people (and he is gonna hide that he is rich (that's something I JUST now came up with while replying to you lol , he is however going to be a savage to people who deserve it

The stereotype is the weak uke who can't do anything for himself.Don;t make him to helpless.Try to avoid the rape trauma, It's been overused. others to try finding a loved one dead in your home. seeing some one killed being part of any violence ending in death Murder can caues just as mush harm and it would be diff. that's just my OP.

Oh yes i do agree that the rape trauma has been overused but I have yet to read a story where rape victims are accurately described ,I have personal experience in this area and I wanted to write my thoughts on it , it;s not gonna be " I will overwrite that" thrust thrust grab shlick schlick and BAM healed it's gonna be a long ride (if i make myself motivated to keep on writing)
i want to either do that or find something else since I want a uke that doesn't like to be touched in certain ways, but my uke does have a back bone he is not helpless he says what is on his mind most of the time aside from the secrets he is hiding (lol at my uke)

you say here that you either want the rape trauma kinda thing or something else, have you thought about an in-between situation? like the uke witnesses his mum or sister being raped when he was young and he tried to fight the guy off and help but being small he just got thrown off or something. and something like that could also account for why he has a backbone kinda. or something.
but otherwise this sounds like an amazing story, i would love to read the finished product!!

eventually when I have enough content I will post it on wattpad right now my account is empty if you like this is account I made yesterday
Im very new to wattpad (im sooo behind with stuff I didn't know that you can write stuff on there hahaha)

oh my that is a good idea actually, instead of a perfect seme i really think that would best i thought i felt something missing because my image made him so perfect thanks!
it;s gonna take me awhile before i have enough for the first chapter both need to have enough story and , i need to fix my english sentences and make them readable before I post them if youd like to wait by next week Im gonna post the first chapter here
it's empty now since I literally made this account 13 hours ago hehe

I decided I'd post the first chapter I don't know if its any good if you like to read it https://www.wattpad.com/367844043-a-lovely-and-yet-painful-encounter-chapter-1-~

you know this is actually a good Idea too ! my mind is making all kinda situations right now but sadly I wrote the first chapter and I don't know how im going to fit this situation in but this is a good idea and I like it the uke I wrote is starting off weak but eventually develops a backbone he is a stuttering mess right now and he is going to fix that on his own instead of the regular seme fixing. thank you for your opinion(▰˘◡˘▰)
So Im trying to write a BL story and I basically know what the story is going to be
basically uke has a trauma - and seme is rich they both don't trust people with different reasons but seme fell in love with this shy ass uke (even though shy he has a backbone) ..pretty cliche and basic right?
the thing is I have multiple plot lines in my mind of how they meet and how the seme is gonna find out about the uke's past ,and how they both suit eachothe. its gonna be slow paced on the smut. usually in manga trauma's are fixed with instant sex which im going to avoid in this case and Im trying to make it realistic as possible (still its gonna be fantasy)
what more should I avoid while writing this story?
hope you BL fans can give me some tips