Comment section gives major hypocrisy yall eat bls with major red flags up

Tyel April 27, 2024 4:50 am

Comment section gives major hypocrisy yall eat bls with major red flags up

    Anonymous April 27, 2024 7:05 pm

    Bjg generalisation there

    Tyel April 28, 2024 4:37 am
    Bjg generalisation there Anonymous

    Do you know what kind of website you are in? Lmfao

    Anonymous April 28, 2024 10:29 am
    Do you know what kind of website you are in? Lmfao Tyel

    Ofc I do, but I also know I've seen a lot of ppl complain about the red flags in bls too, so to say that the ones complaining here would not complain on a bl too is just a generalisation.

    OtakuNeko August 7, 2024 9:41 am
    Ofc I do, but I also know I've seen a lot of ppl complain about the red flags in bls too, so to say that the ones complaining here would not complain on a bl too is just a generalisation. Anonymous

    True, I’m one of those complaining about rape in BL. But I also get why OP feels frustrated. I’ve seen great BL stories getting low ratings, while crappy plots that include rape have almost 10/10 (specially manhwa). It’s not ok to generalize but I also understand because sometimes I feel like I’m the one wrong for not liking those stories :/